I Really Do

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"Baby it was a joke come on, it's part of the game." I cried as I ran after Bradley. "Y'all win take the money." I yelled behind me. "Bradley!" I said and I grabbed him before he walked out. "Baby please listen to me." I said moving his face to where he was looking at me. "Please." I said and my voice cracked. "It was a joke baby I swear I would never have called him that in real life I just did it to shock him and steal it, like what we did a long time ago remember when we told that story."

"Oh so you didn't mean that either." He snapped.

"No baby I did, Bradley why are you always mad at me?" I cried. "I love you so much and I try in every way I can to show it I just don't know what to do anymore." I said as tears ran down my face. "I hate fighting with you." I whispered. I dropped my hands and just stood there for a second. "I'm sorry Bradley I really I'm I didn't mean it I would never call him sexy in real life I swear." I said and he didn't say anything so I walked past him and walked outside. The cold air hit me but it didn't affect me I just went and sat in my car staring at nothing. Someone opened the passenger door and got in. "Get out." I growled.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Get out Kelly!" I yelled and I slid down my seat. "Please forgive me." I whispered to myself. "I can't live without you."

"What?!" Bradley said. Just then I realized how bad that sounded.

"No no no Bradley I meant I can't live without you and and and please forgive me." I broke and started to cry. Yeah tears had been falling down my face but now I just let them fall. "Please Bradley." I said never looking at him I just cried. "Why is this so hard?" I asked myself.

"I don't know John the best things in life are hard." I smirked and he hit my arm. "Stop John." He said seriously. I nodded.

"What about the best things in life aren't free." I said stating the obvious.

"I just wanted to change it a little but John I'm always gonna forgive you. I can't live without you either." He said and I smiled for a second. I still wouldn't look at him.

"Do you really love me Bradley or do I just force it cause I love you?" I asked. He didn't say anything and I took a deep breath in to compose myself and so i wouldn't make a huge scene in the parking lot. I nodded and shut my door. I started my car leaned over and shut the passenger door even though Bradley was still standing there. I pulled out before he could do anything. "He doesn't love me. But I thought he just said h couldn't live without me." I whispered to myself as my eyes filled with tears that I refused to let fall. I shook my head. "I can't live without some of my friends though." I drove home as fast as I could and I walked into my room and sat there. I didn't know what to do, every time we fought I knew he still loved me and we'd be fine the next day, but what about this time? "Why do we go through this so much?" I asked. I stared at the ceiling all night. My alarm went off and I got up. I didn't sleep all night. I got dressed and drove to the stadium. If he's in there with another girl I'm over it. I took a deep breath and I walked in and he was sitting on a chair staring at the blank screen on his phone. He ran a hand over his head and looked up when the door shut behind me. He gave me a weak smile then it faded almost as quickly as it came.

"Hey John!" Kelly yelled and I ignored him. I sat on the farthest chair away from Bradley and watched Otto and Dwight good around.

"Answer him." Bradley said and I didn't say anything.

"Ugh John I know you hear me." He groaned and he walked up to me.

"Yeah I can hear you Kelly but I don't. Wanna talk to you right now how about that Kelly, obviously you couldn't get the hint." I snapped at him.

"Oh I'm well ok." He said and he walked off.

"Did you stay at your house last night?" I asked scooting closer to Bradley.

"Yeah." He said. "You sleep at yours."

"Yeah." I said quietly. "Look Bradley im sorry."

"I know John." He said and he stood up. "Can we go to your office?"

"Yeah." I said we went to my office.

"I do love you John, I was gonna tell you I did I wash just trying to find a way to make it simple. I'd never not love you." He said pulling me against his chest. I smiled up at him. "I love you John now can we stop fighting about silly things?"

"Of course." I said and I leaned against him for a little bit. "Oh shoot we have a game tomorrow!" I said standing up.

"Duh." Bradley said laughing.

"Ok stop I forgot, stop laughing at me!" I said and I hit his arm. He kissed me and I smiled. I pulled him closer to me and deepened the kiss. I let my Tongue slid into his mouth and he moaned. I smiled. I let out a loud moan after a long time of kissing. He started to kiss my neck and I groaned. "Oh Bradley." I moaned against him. He smiled and kissed my lips softly. Just then my door opened and we both jumped up.

"Oh are y'all busy?" Otto asked and we laughed.

"No" we both said.

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now