You Messed It Up

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"Hey guys!" I yelled walking into practice.

"Why are you so happy?" Kelly asked and I shrugged. Kemba and I had been together for four months now and everyone knew about it.

"We're playing a game tomorrow and not only are we playing a game we're playing his boyfriends game so we all know who was at his house last night." Otto said and I laughed.

"Maybe maybe not you don't know." I said smirking.

"Yeah well you've been awfully happy for the past week also." Kelly added. I shrugged again.

"What can I say." I said moving my hands.

"What?!" Dwight yelled and he grabbed my hand. I looked away smiling. Kelly grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a room alone.

"Are you crazy?!" He yelled.

"Kelly calm down."

"Calm down no you married this guys dm you've only known him for four months."

"But I know I love him Kelly and I know he loves me."

"You screwed it all up John, no wonder Bradley's shown up to maybe ten practices since y'all got together!" He yelled. "Your fucking crazy!" He yelled.

"Kelly Stop!" I said. "You just don't get it and if your not in my shoes and if you don't get it then you don't have the right to be yelling at me. Shouldn't you be happy for me? I'm happy Kelly I've never been this happy."

"Yeah you have John you've been this happy when you and Bradley were together." He said and a tear fell down his cheek.

"Why are you crying?!" I asked aggravated.

"Because I miss the old friends I had. Y'all were my friends because of who y'all were not because of who y'all are now." He said and he shook his head and sipped the tears that were falling down his face away and he walked out.

"Kelly I'm sorry, but I'm happy." I said.

"Good for you John!" He yelled and he walked out. I stood there shocked. Dwight hugged me and I smiled.

"Hey if your happy me and Otto are happy." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks guys, I just feel like all of my friends are slipping away."

"Hey things change you've grown up and they haven't." He said and I nodded. "Now I wanna hear about you and Kemba." He said smiling and I laughed.

"There's nothing to it."

"Oh nothing to it except what you claim he makes you the happiest you've ever been?" Kelly scoffed.

"You know if you can't be happy for your friend then you need to just leave him alone." Dwight snapped. Kelly rolled his eyes.

"I just know he was happier when him and Bradley won the ring together and the missed each other afterwards."

"Shut up Kelly! Why are you always so cruel let him live his own life."

"You know Kelly If your so worried about Bradley, which is obvious because you've never truly cared about me, then why don't you go be with him?! I'm happy where I am but clearly you aren't so maybe you should get a life." I snapped and he stood there dazed.

"I might just do that." He snapped back and I shrugged and looked back up at Dwight.

"I'm sorry he's being so mean to you John I don't know why he can't be happy for you."

"It's fine." I said. "Now What was I saying about Kemba?"
"Hey John I was wondering would you like to go out tonight?" Kemba asked over the phone.

"Kemba you know I can't fly all the way out to Charlotte just to eat dinner and come back."

"Oh no I know that and I kept that in mind..." my door opened. "On the way up here." I said hanging up and I smiled and jumped up and hugged him. He picked me up and spun me around. "I haven't seen you in three months, gosh it's been so long." He said smiling and he kissed me.

"Hey Kemba, If Bradley or Kelly is ever mean to you don't listen to them ok? Their kinda in a mean mood right now." I said and he nodded.

"Ok, I wouldn't listen to them anyways because I love where I am right now with you." He said and I smiled and kissed him again.

"You wanna go to dinner?" He asked grabbing my hand.

"Why not?" I said and we got in his car. He pulled into some fancy place. "Oh Kemba I'm not dressed for this." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah your fine, you look handsome and that's all that matters now let's go." He said and I shrugged and got out. We walked in and were waiting for his reservation when the door opened and Kemba stepped behind me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing um Reservation for Walker." He said and he walked behind me all the way to our table.

"What was that for."

"Nothing just wanted to behind you for once." He said smirking.

"Shut up but really why did you not let me see who walked through the door?"

"Cause it would hurt you."

"Kemba Nothing can hurt me." I said. "As long as I've got you."

"It was Bradley and Kelly." He said quickly.

"Oh." I said quietly.

"Do you still love him John? I know I've asked you that before but I just don't know." He said.

"Kemba I play with him I spend 90% of my life with him, if I loved him I would have cheated on you a long time ago." I said holding his hand. He smiled and squeezed mine.

"I just feel like I'm not good enough and I'm nothing compared to him." He whispered.

"Aww Kemba is self continuous." I bagged and he looked away. "Hey I'm just joking and your always enough and your right your nothing compared to him because no one can be compared to you Kemba your perfect." I said smiling. "Your almost to perfect for me, and I'm pretty perfect myself." I said jokingly.

"Yeah you are." He said.

"Aww Stop I didn't want this to turn into a mushy Lovey fest." I said and he laughed.

"We can have a love fest later." He said winking.

"He used to always say things like that." I said.

"I'm gonna go." Kemba said standing up.

"No Kemba wait I didn't mean it I swear please don't go, Please done leave me I can't go through something like that again." I cried and he stopped. My breathing started to get faster and I started to freak out. He noticed and walked up to me.

"Hey John, Id never leave you like that I swear. I'm always right here." He said and he tapped my heart.

"Don't say that!" I yelled while bursting into tears.

"John what's going on?" He asked and he wrapped his strong arms around me and I immediately stopped crying. "I have that affect on you?" He asked.

"You've got every affect on me." I said smiling at him.

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now