Get Out

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I woke up once again to a shirtless Kemba laying beside me. "Hey are you ok? You had a pretty rough night." Kemba asked rolling over.

"Oh yeah I'm fine and I'm sorry for freaking out it's just I thought you were gonna leave me."

"I'll never leave you." He said.
I showed up to practice and everyone was there. Bradley stood there with his shirt off laughing with Kelly. I rolled my eyes and walked up to Dwight and Otto. "Hey guys." I said smiling and they smiled at me.

"Hey." They said.

"Ok let's get to work!" Coach said walking in. "Kelly Otto y'all are Partners, work on your three points."

"But Kelly is way better than me."

"That's the point he'll teach you and modi age you, Dwight your with Austin, John your with Bradley."

"What?!" We both yelled and everyone stopped what they'd were doing and looked at us.

"Can't I be with Dwight and him be with Otto."

"No y'all aren't practicing today y'all are just gonna talk to each other to day. Y'all are always fighting and it's annoying." He said and he kept going. I rolled my eyes and sat down and pulled out my phone. Let's just say we said five words to each other.
"I'm home!" I yelled and I walked into the kitchen and a nice dinner had been made and the table was set with candles and a fancy tablecloth and stuff. "Oh Bradley..Kemba!" I said loudly.

"What?!" He said.

"I'm sorry I had the worst day today and it was about Bradley that's why I said that I know you did this Kemba." I said and he didn't say anything he just sat down. "I'm so sorry Kemba..."

"Yeah I'm sure you are." He mumbled.

"Baby please forgive me." I said and he smiled at me.

"You've never called me baby." He said smiling from ear to ear.

"I know." I said and I tired to smile but it was like my body wouldn't allow me to.

"Did you not mean it?" He asked.

"No of course I did b-b-b-baby." I said. "I'm so sorry I'm just tired today was a long day."

"Ok." He said. "I have a game in Boston in two days so I can stay for a while." He said and I smiled.

"Good." I said. We ate dinner and I laid down.

"John. Can we have a serious talk. And please don't just say no that's not true." He asked walking into my room.

"Yeah what is it Kemba?" I said sitting up. He sat beside me and held both of my hands and took a deep breath in.

"I don't care what you say John, it's not gonna make me think anything less of you, but be honest sometimes do you wish you were still with him?"

"With who?" I asked him.

"With Bradley John because you wouldn't have struggled to call me baby earlier if you truly loved me John." He said looking away.

"Oh Kemba." I said and I wrapped my arms around him.

"It's just I love you and I want what's best for you John and I'm worried I'm of what makes you happy and I'm not what is best for you." He cried.

"Hey shhh it's ok Kemba I'm right here. I wouldn't be here with you if you didn't make me happy." I said running a circle on his arm with my thumb. He stopped crying and he smiled up at me. "You good?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said laying down. I snuggled up beside him and went to sleep. I woke up late the next day and he wasn't in bed with me.

"Kemba?" I yelled.

"Coming!" He said walking in.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Just in the living room. I didn't wanna wake you up." He said and I smiled and landed a soft kiss on his cheek as I walked by to go take a shower. "I can help you with that." He said.

"Your so nasty." I said and I stopped. The words stung as they came out. I always told Bradley that.

"I'm sorry." He said realizing I was upset.

"Oh no it's fine." I said forcing a smile. I shit the door and took of my clothes. I slid off my ring before I got in the shower. I held it in my hand and looked at it. "I miss him so much." I whispered. "Do I even really love Kemba?" I asked myself. I sighed and took a shower and got ready to go to a meeting with the team. "Hey Kemba I'm gonna be gone a few hours I'll see ya later." I said and he nodded while looking at his phone. I left and showed up an hour early. Kelly walked in and I took a deep breath and followed him. "Hey bro what's up?" I asked him and he just nodded.

"Nothing much, how about you?"

"Oh nothing." I said.

"Boo." Otto yelled behind me and I jumped and hit his arm.

"I'm gonna kill you Otto!" I yelled. He laughed and I punched his arm. He punched my arm and I laughed.

"Hey guys!" Bradley said walking in and his smile faded when he looked at me. I looked away. I miss him. I thought to myself.

"How you been Bradley?" I asked and he laughed.

"Naw don't go around playing that shit." He said and he shook his head. I sighed and walked away.

"I just wanna talk to him Otto." I groaned when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Then talk to me." Bradley growled lowly in my ear. Shivers went down my spine and I gulped and turned around.

"B-B-Bradley." I said. "I-I-I didn't know you were b-b-behind m-m-me." I stuttered.

"Really?" He said and he got closer to me. "You know I saw the ring on Kemba's finger John." He said frowning.

"Yeah well you told me to give it to him."

"I didn't mean it John! I still love you!" He yelled and he turned around. I didn't know what to say so I just walked away.

"You can't walk away from things when they get tough or awkward." Otto said and I shrugged.

"When will this meeting be over? I wanna just go home?" I groaned.
"I'm home!" I yelled and Kemba gasped from my room. I walked in and he was throwing his clothes back on. "Give me my ring back, take your clothes, get her out of my closet and leave." I said bitting my lip.

"No John wait!"

"I said leave!" I yelled louder than I knew I could and he nodded. I sat down on my sofa and started to cry. I pulled out my phone. "Can you please come over here just once?!" I cried into the phone.

Try Again |Third Book in the Bad At Love series|Where stories live. Discover now