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"So what were you saying? But I don't see Dominic anywhere? Do you?"

I couldn't say anything. I was scared. I saw him walk closer but I still couldn't do anything.

I roll my eyes to the left and see Lynn. She looks just like me doesn't know what to do.

Doug is getting way too close to me. I can feel his breath on my face, thats how close he is.

"Get the fuck away from my wife!"

I snap out of my shock and push Doug away from me.

"Oh there you are son. I've been looking for you."

Dominic walks up to me getting between Doug and I. Dimitri does the same with Lynn.

"Get the fuck out of my house Doug."

"Calm down Dominic I just wanted to talk."

"Then talk."

"There's an award show coming up in a couple weeks. Asylum is gonna play. Candice will be your date."

"I already now about the show. The label emailed me. I agreed to play but there's no way in hell Candice will be my date or anything ever again."

"Dominic, Dominic, Dominic. You're putting way to much pressure on this little marriage of yours. We both know you won't make it a year. When will you come to your senses. I mean seriously is her pussy gold or something."

Right when Doug said that Dominic tried to punch him but Dimitri stopped him.

I put my hands on Dominic's waist. He brought his hands over mine locking them together.

"Calm down Dominic. He's not worth it."

Dominic breaths out loudly.

"Get out of my house."

"Fine I'm done."

Doug walks out slamming the door behind him.

Dominic turns around quickly wrapping me up into his arms. Picking me off the ground.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I just couldn't react. I was scared."

"He didn't touch you or anything did he?"

"No nothing like that. Luckily you guys came home."

"That's it Dimitri were hiring bodyguards. I don't trust Doug."

"I'll call Shawn. He knows some people."

Dominic nods his head.

He slowly puts me back down. My feet touching the floor, he kisses my forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Ok let's forget Doug's bullshit and go out to the backyard."

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