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Dominic's been on tour for a week. He's called at least three times a day since he's been gone.

Once in the morning, he usually wakes me up. Then he calls before rehearsal. At night he usually video calls until I'm about to pass out.

If I'm not mistaken they're in North Carolina tonight. I'm actually glad I'm not there right now. Last year at this time it was so humid! I couldn't imagine being there pregnant.

(Knock knock)

"Come in."

The door opens and it's Lynn.

"Hey auntie Lynn."

"Hey momma how you feeling today?"

"Tired. She won't let me sleep."

"She misses her daddy?"

"Yeah I think so. She's use to hearing both of us constantly. Plus he sleeps with his hand on my tummy."

"Plus mommy is sad."

"Yeah that too.

I was thinking about calling Elizabeth to see if she can give me any sleeping tips."

"Have you tried googling stuff?"

"Yeah but nothing has worked so far."

"What have you tried?"

"One thing was not to eat too much before going to sleep. Yeah that didn't go over well at all!

This little lady loves to eat!

Also another one was not a lot of fluids before bed. Another thing that was a no go.

I'd get up to pee, have dry mouth then end up drinking half a bottle of water. Up to pee an hour later."

"What about sleep aid meds?"

"I'm so paranoid about stuff like that."

"Have you talked to your doctor?"

"I've got an appointment later today. So I'll ask her?"

"Do you want me to take you or your mom?"

"You can go with me on this. I'm gonna have my mom go with me to the prison."

"Does Dominic know you're going?"

"Um not yet. He actually should he calling me any second."

(Ring ring)

"Told you so.

Hey baby."

"Hey love how are my girls doing?"

"I can't sleep."

"Why not?"

"Sage won't let me! She moves all night and I can't get comfortable."

"I'm sorry baby. Only 15 more weeks to go and I'll be home."

"That doesn't make me feel better you know."

He laughs.

"I've got a doctor appointment today so I'm gonna see what she says. Um plus I gotta tell you something."

"Um I didn't like how you said that last part."

Not surprised.

"My mom and I are going to go see Jacob tomorrow."

"Ok? Is that what I'm suppose to get pissed about?"

"Well I was hoping you wouldn't."

"Well I'm not. I figured you'd go back to see him."

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