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I get to go home today, I just wish I was more excited about it.

My lip has healed up some and I'm not as swollen. My ribs still hurt but not as much.

I actually let Dominic in my room today. He brought me some clothes to change into.

I haven't said a single word to him either. I want to so bad but I can't.

I keep wondering what he's thinking about all this. What he's thinking about me. Is he mad at me that this happened?

I just don't know what to do.

The nurse comes in with a wheelchair. I grab my bag and sit in it.

Dominic wheels me out and I'm scared to see everyone. I see my parents talking to Dimitri and Lynn. Jason and Elizabeth are even here.

I haven't seen Jason in months. I hate this is how he's seeing me.

"Hey boss lady."

I just smile at Michael.

My mom looks at me with tears in her eyes. She walks up to me and hugs me tightly.

These eight people are the only ones who know what actually happened to me.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?"

I don't even respond to my mom.

"They gave her some pain meds right before we came out. She's probably getting tired."

Dominic squeezes my shoulder.

I keep feeling like I'm going to cry but I have no tears. I just feel emotionless and numb.

Dominic wheels me out to the car. I get in and the nurse takes back wheelchair.

Dominic gets in on the driver's side with my parents in the backseat. I just stare out the window the whole way home.

I go inside and Blaze runs up to me. I look into the dining room and I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest.

I turn around to the door and Dominic has a big box.

"Gifts from the fans."

That's actually pretty sweet.

I make my way upstairs with Blaze right behind me. I go into our  bedroom taking off my cloths. I go into the bathroom and fill up the tub.

I look at myself in the mirror and just stare at my face. I've got stitches in my lip. A giant bruise on my forehead. Two black eyes to a company the broken nose. And the extreme discoloration of my abdomen.

I get into the tub and close my eyes. I just want to forget but how do I forget about something that happened in my own house?

I get out of the tub and wrap a towel around myself. I walk into the room and Blaze is laying on the bed. He's just looking at me and wagging his tail. That's the first thing that made me smile in a couple days.

I look through my clothes and can't figure out what to wear. I go to Dominic's side of the closet and grab a pair of his sweats and a hoodie.

I lay in bed next to Blaze and turn on the TV.

Hmm I need snacks. I go downstairs to the kitchen. I look through the cabinets and find some chips. I grab the bag and a bottle of rum. Day drinking sounds fun.

I go back upstairs to a waiting Blaze.

Right when I shut the door there's a knock at the door. I wish I had nurses here to tell people I don't want visitors.

I open the door and it's Lynn. She walks in and just hugs me. I don't hug her back though. I leave my arms at my side.

"Hey bestie."

I try to smile but I can't.

"Hey Blaze! Are you keeping your mommy company?"

She scrstchs his head and he licks her cheek.

"How are you doing?"

I just stare blankly at her.

I sit on the bed, Lynn sits on the other side.

"In case you want some company."

  Lynn's POV.

I feel like a really shitty friend right now. I wish there was something I could do for October but I know there isn't.

She isn't talking to me but I know it's nothing personal. If something like that happened to me I wouldn't be very talkative either.

I'm just trying to let her know she's not alone.

I look over at her and she's fallen asleep.

I open the door and Blaze follows me. I go downstairs where everyone else is.

"Did she talk to you?"

"Sorry Dominic. Not a single word."

"She's probably still in shock of everything. Especially being back in the house."

"I hope that's all this is. I'm sorry that my poor excuse of a father ruined your honeymoon."

"Don't worry about it Dominic. Lynn and I can go as soon as we know October is ok."

"Thanks Dimitri."

"Dominic if there's one thing I know about my daughter is she's strong. Just give her time."

"I will Jill."

Poor Dominic.

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