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I'm standing in the bathroom looking in the mirror rubbing my belly.

I'm five and a half months pregnant. My tummy is getting a little bigger but nothing crazy big yet but there is a noticeable bump.

I keep thinking I'm going to wake up one morning with a watermelon under my shirt.

Unfortunately Dominic has to leave in a few hours. I really really don't want him to go!

But I know he has to. Doesn't mean I like it though.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Just looking at my tummy."

I look at Dominic through the mirror and he's got a smile on his face.

"Come back to bed baby."


I get back into bed with Dominic trying to get into a comfortable position.

When I finally got comfortable Dominic moved to lay on his side. He put his hand on my stomach then it happened.

"Holy shit! Did, did she just kick!"

"I think she did! That felt so weird."

"Hmm I wonder if I can get her to do it again."

He starts to lightly rub my tummy.

"She did it again!"

Great now I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep!

Dominic moves his hand and Sage starts kicking like crazy!


I grab Dominic's hand and I place it on my stomach. She stops. I remove his hand, she starts kicking again!

Great she's negative five months old and is already a daddy's girl!

I'm not gonna be able to sleep the whole time he's gone!

I woke up a couple hours later from being kicked in my bladder!

I got up to go pee. When I came back in I could smell cinnamon! I look around and grab one of Dominic's shirt.

Right when I'm about to leave the room Dominic walks in with a plate of french toast and a glass of milk.

"Holy shit babe I love you."

"You're welcome."

We both laugh.

"I figured you'd be hungry. Did Sage kicking you wake you up?"

"Yeah right in my bladder."


"What's wrong love?"

"I've gotta leave in a few hours. And I really don't want to either."

"I don't want you to leave either but we both know you got to. It's only for a few months and when you get back after I have Sage will let the label know what you decided on.

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