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It's been a month since the video came out and had over five hundred million views!

We've got another week until the wedding and we've got everything is set.

(Ring Ring)

I hear my phone I look at it and it's Jason.

"Hey Jason what's up?"

"Um do you think you can come to the hospital?"

"What the fuck!"

I stand up and start gathering my things. I motion to Dominic to get up and let's go!

"Just please get to the hospital."

"Ok I'm leaving now."

I hang up the phone and run out the door.

"Baby what's going on?"

"I don't know Jason just said to get to the hospital."

A little while later we get to the hospital and Jason is waiting outside for us.

"Jason what's going on?"

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"Jason what's going on?"

"Just please come with me."

He's really scaring me.

We get to a room and Elizabeth is laying on the bed.

"Everything ok?"

"I started having contractions last night."

"Stupid question but does Travis know?"

"I left voicemails for him. Oh I talked to your father and he said he'll represent me."

"Oh that's good. My mom and dad will be back out next week for my wedding. If you're up to it you can come."

"Oh thank you."

"Um October can I talk to you outside the room."


I go out into the hall with Jason and he looks guilty.

"What's going on Jason?"

"Ok one we final found out who was stealing. It was Katie."

"Ok I'm surprised. Are you sure?"

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