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I woke up the next morning completely wrapped up against Dominic.

I couldn't help but smile.

I actually don't even want to get up but my bladder tells me if I don't I'm gonna pee myself!

I wiggle myself out of Dominic's arms. I walk into the bathroom do my thing and brush my teeth.

I go back into the room and he's still sleeping. I crawl back into bed and back under his arms. Right when I get myself situated he starts tickling my sides.

"That's not fair!"

"Why not?"

"You're stronger then me!"

"Ok fine."

He stops tickling me and lays on his back.

"Do what you want with me. I'm at your mercy."

I just laugh.


I go to the door opening it.


Blaze comes running up the stairs in to the room. He jumps on the bed attacking Dominic with his big slobbery tongue!

I am no longer standing I'm laughing too hard.

"Ok, ok I give up!"

"Come on Blaze let's get some food."

Blaze jumps off the bed following me down to the kitchen. I get Blaze a scoop of food and fill up his water bowl. I look in the fridge but nothing looks good.



"Oh sorry

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"Oh sorry. Wanna go out for breakfast? Then do some grocery shopping."

We both laugh.

"Sounds good."

"Are my parents here?"

"Actually? I have no idea."

I go upstairs and check the guests rooms. Every time I open a door I just keep thinking to myself. Please don't let me see them doing it.

I found them luckily clothed and sleeping.

"Mom, dad?"

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