Chapter 1: A dark night

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It was a deep night on the vacant streets of New Orleans, every corner filled with silence, maginfying the effect of mist.

A huge truck was driven by a middle-aged man on the street and when a cop with a dog tried to stop him, he ignored, moving ahead.

Great fields and gardening decorated the front yard, and a little away, on the side of the road, the truck finally stopped.

Under one of the apple trees, sat a guy with some ancient book and silver daggers. He had a cunning smile as if he was done with whatever he was planning to go on with. He looked over at the dead body of a girl he ahd swooshed away. Every ounce of her blood was delicious.

His phone rang, and his smile widened.

"Henry, I assume your work is done as per my instructions," he said in a threatening tone. "If not, I will gladly tear your tongue from your head."

"I am doing what I am told, Klaus," Henry said. "You would be receiving your package about, now. Turn around and check yourself. You're welcome. "

"Sure," Klaus hung up the phone and moved toward the old man.

"Your work is done, Mr. Mikealson. The truck is filled with injected werewolf and vervain injected vampires. They all have been knocked out with the spell."

"Well, I'm glad I have my insurance. They'll help me set my plans in motion."

With a grin plastered on his lips, Klaus snapped his finger, and a bunch of compelled vampires obliged to do his work.

"Get them and chain them all separately. Make sure to drain the vervain out of every single vampire. They won't sleep for long" Klaus ordered and turned his attention toward the old man.

"Forget it as soon as you leave with your truck," he compelled him.

With another glance upon his comrades working as per his order, Klaus tends to leave, however, a specific scent hits his nostrils.

"Wait! I smell human blood," He noted, his eyes narrowed toward the truck. He was quite sure it wasn't the human driver. Another human was present there.

"Fetch me the human." He ordered again.

The compelled vampires searched down the whole truck until one them caught of a young blonde girl chained along with the werewolves.

They took the blonde out, carefully, in their arms and as instructed, put her into the Klaus chair under the apple tree where Klaus was seated before.

The hybrid's blue-green eyes studied the unconscious blonde for a moment. She was attractive even in the messier look. Her hair was frizzy, her face tired, and seemed in pain.

His gaze came to an end when he realized he was looking for too long. Forcefully blinking his eyes; he turned toward the compelled old man, and held his collar.

"Who is she and why is she in the middle of vampires and werewolves." Klaus growled.

"I have no idea, sir. I was asked to drive the truck here." The old man pleaded.

Unable to get a proper answer, he asked the man to leave before he changes his mind and put him next to the dead girl.

After he was gone, klaus looked back at the girl. At tbis point, a strand of her hair was looming over face. He couldn't help himslef and tucked it behind her ear.

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