Chapter 3: I failed to escape

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The balcony that looked over at the city he claimed was his. He was its king and everyone knew that. At least the supernatural ones. Cars honked, then went ahead, and in between, the locals rushed to get home after long hours of working. He smiled. Everything was going as he wanted.

He turned around, pushing his black hair back, and saw a dozen vampires waiting for him.

"Val, the rumors about Klaus's arrival seem to be just a rumor." One of his vampires spoke. "We have searched the whole town upside down and there's no sign of him."

Valentine chuckled, thinking how much research he has done on the original hybrid.  "Diego, Klaus is the smartest man I ever heard of. His style and action are as unique as he is. I heard that werewolves are disappearing from the bayou and so do ten of my nightwalkers."

"So you think it's connected with Klaus." Thierry inquired. "Even if he is planning something, cursed werewolves won't come in handy. They know it, too. Werewolves hate originals more than vampires."

"Stay on high alert. I don't need Huss and fuss. Leave Klaus to me." saying so, valentine disappeared.


Caroline had fed, borrowed clothes as said by Klaus, but she was restless. Supernatural people loomed over her head, keeping a watch on her. Every now and then, she would take a risk and eavesdrop to speculate her surroundings.

Hours had passed and when she was done spying, she decided to set her plan in motion. She was going to die anyway but trying to save herself was worth a shot.

She could barely exit the room when from nowhere the guard came out of no were. She almost screamed.

"Where are you going?" He demanded.

"Nowhere, I was just.." she tried to gather words for an excuse while eyeing his pockets to make out the phone. It was in the front pocket of his coat.

"You need to get inside," he said while showing the way to her room.

Caroline nodded, pretending she was obeying his order like a kid. She turned and dropped, landing upon his chest, acting half unconsciously.

The vampire held her as expected.

Caroline immediately pulled out the cell phone, making sure she wouldn't alert him with her subtle touch.

"Hey get up. If something happens to you then no one can save me from Klaus."

He made her stand as she slipped the phone behind her, into the pocket. She opened her eyes, blinking slowly.

"I think I m hungry." She said in a weak tone. "It's been a while since breakfast. Can you get something for me to eat? I can barely stand."

"Fine, you stay inside", the vampire left.

Delighted, she stormed inside her room and shut the door, and went to the bathroom. Her saying was useful as she had observed their supernatural abilities. One of them was superhuman hearing.

Running the shower, she dialed.

After a few dials, her phone was received. " 911, what's the emergency?"

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