Chapter 42: To the Rescue

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Klaus stormed in but Caroline was no where to be found. Freya and Elijah were behind him and all of their eyes were searching for newly possessed Caroline.

"She's not here!" Klaus said, her voice breaking in fear.

Freya was chanting spells. Seconds later she spoke. "It's hollow. How could I miss her mark? It's everywhere."

"What do you mean everywhere?" Demanded klaus. "We killed her."

"But I'm feeling her magic." She said, holding one of Caroline's belongings. "My best guess—her soul didn't die. It makes all sense now. She used Caroline's blood to bind herself with her. She is inside her."

"Hope saw Caroline leaving the compound." Hayley who heard their conversation came rushing in. "She won't die, wouldn'r she?"

"I can't loose her!" Muttered Klaus, as he run his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. It's been only a week after everything was becoming right and now again, a battle to be fought against their enemy who has now possessed the one he love. Klaus grind his teeth, trying to contain all his anger before shoving it on to the dressing table. The table was smashed into tiny pieces by him. Before he can further damage, Elijah stepped forward to calm down his younger brother.

"Niklaus, calm down. Breaking things won't help. We have to do something before any misfortune happens!" Elijah said in soft tone; his hands rest upon Klaus' shoulder. The other two women, Freya and hayley stayed quiet while watching. They have seen Klaus breaking himself emotionally into pieces whenever he was alone. They always kept eyes on him to keep him on check. Hayley and Klaus have also bonded over the years. As the partners for Hope, they sometime discuss on various matters peacefully. Klaus was the always one to give wise advise to Hayley whenever she had fight with Elijah.

At the corner of her heart, she wanted to share the pain but Klaus never let her, neither anyone else. He had sexual affairs past seven years, but he never let anyone come closer the way he let Caroline.

"I'm gonna try some cloaking spells while you three along with kol need to scattered across the town. I'll text as soon as I know something." Freya told them.

With the agreement nod, they left leaving Freya alone. Her eyes travelled across the room and rested on the box. That box contained Caroline's accessories. She opened it and pull out a bracelet. Freya remembered Caroline wearing them few days ago. Her spell worked effective and she located her. The aura of hollow was so strong that she felt it. The power was immense. So, before informing her brother, she needed the solution.

With that, she stormed out of the room and went to find Davina.
At the corner room she saw her playing with little Hope. When Davina's eyes matched hers, she was alerted. After giving some excuse to Hope, she walked to Freya. Keeping appropriate distance from Hope, Freya told her everything.

"So you think we can kill hollow without hurting Caroline!" Davina said.

"Yes, but it could be dangerous! Even going near her may be fatal to us, too! Hollow controls her, and no way she is going to let anyone separate her from Caroline's body!" Freya told her.

For a moment there was a pause and Davina was the first to speak.
"I think I should go to Salvatore boarding. Maybe I'll find something. They have books on ancient creatures and witches."

Freya agreed for the plan. So, Davina went away and Freya to her room which was stacked with her mother's grimoire.


Klaus, kol and Hayley returned back after searching for Caroline for hours. Klaus was devasted and concernced. He sat on the sofa on the compound while the other just stood there, watching Klaus helplessly. Elijah was on his way back from Caroline's previous apartment. Freya had asked him to bring the dark objects that are hidden at other side of the closet.

"I have a plan!" Freya came and sat beside klaus. "We can get rid of hollow and Valentine once and for all."

Everyone's eyes travelled at her in bewilderment. "Davina called and asked us to bring valentine, too!"

"I suppose it has to something with these dark objects!" Elijah stepped in with a bag full of dark objects.

"Yes!" Freya replied. "With these dark object, I will nullify valentine's power. So it won't be a problem to carry him along with us!" She took the bag from Elijah and checks the artifacts inside it.

"What about Caroline!" Klaus asked.

"Well!" Freya pulled out a set of manacles. " I have her location. We're gonna find her and then dismantle her power!" She handed over the handcuffs to him. "While I nullify valentine, make sure to get Caroline back with these on!" She pointed at the manacles.

Klaus looked at his brother who agreed with them. Hayley decided to stay with Freya and Hope.


Sorry for late update!

Well only last three chapters are lesft for this book. I'll be updating soon, without any further delay.

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