Chapter 28: Decade Dance

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Caroline's POV

I stare myself in the mirror after getting ready for the dance in mystic high school. I am happy as Sam is coming with me but also sad at same time because Davina won't be able to come.

I am wearing a spaghetti strap neckline flapper dress with long shoulder- length satin white gloves, red feather headband and a long pearl necklace.

I've put a lot of effort in my makeup and dress but I can't figure out why my face looks dull?  Davina bought me this dress, it is really  beautiful and I am actually nailing it but this uneasy feeling isn't leaving my mind for a second. I wish I could know the what this feeling is?

A knock on the door interrupts me.

"Izzy! You in there?". I hear Sam's voice, who is standing outside my room.

"Yeah" I answered him.

I check my self again ,then rush to the door but... Stop! Something is still lacking.

The necklace that Klaus gave me.

I open a small wooden box in which I keep my necklace whenever I took it off. It is comfortably placed inside it. I can feel a  small smile spread over my  lips and my dreamy eyes can't stop admiring it. It's important.

The memories of Klaus and I  flood through my mind. They are still fresh as Daisy.

The door jingles and I hear footsteps.

"Someone's looking beautiful".
Sam compliments me and I flush after turning my attention toward him.

"And someone's looking hot!". I  compliments him back. He is wearing a white button up shirt with a black tie, matching it with his black suit. He does look hot.

"Well, it's 1920s decade dance". I point at his lack of theme in his outfits.

"I think I'll pass". He replies and I laugh.

"May I?" Sam request, pointing at the necklace in my hand.

I approve and hand it over to him. I turn my back at him and Sam makes me wear it. I look at ourselves in mirror when Sam slips it in my neck and I don't know why but my mind is picturing Klaus.

Jesus! Why am I getting thoughts of Klaus. I remember him every day but not the way I am feeling today about him. It's so different.

"Is this very special?" Sam questions me with full curiosity, making me snap out of my thoughts. He never asked me before about the necklace.

"Yes!". I said, meaning my word.

"Who gave this to you?" His curiosity is growing.

"My mom. It's her only memory to me". I lie in convincing tone. I hope he doesn't suspect. I don't want  anyone to know about my first and probably last love.

I dig my fingers into his brown eyes and attach my lips with his to distract him. His hands run through my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I love him but I am actually not in love with him. Seven years had passed and I am still not over with Klaus. My lips are craving for his. Klaus' lips were like a intoxication to me and I can feel the same in Sam's for me.

He is loyal and I know he's in love with me. I wish I can love him back but it is impossible for me to love him the way I love klaus.

Before our little make out turn pretty intense, my supernatural hearing is alerted and I can hear someone's footsteps.

"Sam". I called his name loudly and separate ourselves.

Hope arrives just in time.

"Mr. Saltzman is waiting for you".

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