Chapter 39: Hollow!

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Inadu take her first breath when she's finally able to walk on Earth in flesh, again. An old building now used under hollow's headquarters is filled with her follower. However she knows that there are still few people who are dying to kill her. Mikealsons are one of them. She knows her death is inevitable as she has seen the unbreakable bond of the Mikealsons. No matter how much they fight like cat and dog, at the end of the day, they are ready to fight for each other. Over the course of a thousand years, they have defeated powerful creatures like her.

So, she has the plan to avoid the inevitable. A plan that will aid her at the time of her downfall.

Caroline opens her eyes and find herself in an unknown place. She tries to get up, but she's tied up with chains in a chair. She howls while trying to free herself from the chains.

"It's useless!" Hayley said. "The more you struggle, the faster vervain will pump into your veins!"

Caroline hadn't realized the burning pain, which is searing her inside out.

"Where are we?" She ask.

"I guess its hollow's dirty work place!" Hayley replied, odiously.

"We have to get out of here!" Caroline tells her and continues struggling but in vain. She glances her surroundings and find sigils scribbled in all for side.  The room is filled with so many things which are partly ruined due to lack of proper management. The faded colour of walls describe that this place has been abondoned by his previous owner.

"With the amount of vervain and wolfbane in our system, I hardly say there's any chance!" Hayley answered, her voice despondent.

"Exactly!" Valentine enters in with two of his minions and draws their attention to him. "There's no way out!"

Their eyes sharpen at him with disgust. With every step he took at them, they struggle more harder to get rid off their chains.

"So what now? You came here kill us!"  Caroline said.

"Not really! Whatever grudges i hold against Mikealsons, I won't orphan a little girl."

"Stop mocking!" Caroline chuckles, annoyingly.

"I won't because I'm not mocking. When I left my parents and married you filthy mother, I used to miss my parents. I never complained about it but I felt the pain. That little girl had nothing to do with my revenge. So for that matter, I'm sparing the life of her mother. No one is here to kill any of you. All we need is your blood."

Valentine walks to Hayley with a knife.

"Why do you need our blood?" Hayley asked.

"Your blood will help me unsire from Klaus. The whole bloodline will be broken!"

"That's not possible!" Caroline yelled.

"It is! Hayley's heart will work better but we will adjust it with her blood as it has the same properties. She's the only unsired vampire in the history and the hollow can renovate the spell." Saying so, he draws blood from both of their wrist into two different bowls.

Back at mansion, Freya and Davina are hell bent trying to locate the hollow, so they can rescue Hayley and Caroline but they are failing miserably.


Inadu has prepared the spell. All she needed was the blood. In the other room, Valentine hands over the bowls to his minions who proceed to take it to the hollow.

"It's time!" Inadu smrink and with a wave of her hand, the cloaking spell wears off.

A small blue sigil formed on Freya's locater map. Her eyes widen at sudden change of events. Clearly it's a trap.

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