Chapter 14: Master Plan

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Sophie often visited Katie's shop where they would gossip, rearrange the shelves and spent the weekend together. She sat on the stool upfront to Katie who was busy preparing the list while she enjoyed the cookies.

"These are yummy!" Sophie complimented. "You're getting better at it."

"Thank you!" Katie replied when the doorbell rang to her store. "Looks like a customer came. Wait here. I'll be coming with more cookies."

After Katie left to attend her customer, Sophie decided to hurry back to hospital for her shift. She went inside the small room build in the building to fetch her phone.

As she was unplugging her phone from the charger, she heard smashes, followed by Katie's scream, Sophie became worried. She climbed out of the room but backpedeled immediately after witnessing Valentine snapping Katie's neck to death.

Scared and outnumbered, she couldn't move and stayed put behind the door, watching them.

Valentine, assisted by two other vampire dumped Katie's dead body on the floor and pulled out his phone.
After dialing, she heard him saying. "Hey, Thierry, Marcel killed your girl."


The compound was vacant except for Valentine who was strolling in, with tensed lines formed on his forehead. Lately, he was restless, mostly because of Klaus' arrival and ever since he visited Davina, he couldn't stay calm.

Finally he sat on the couch in his room, helping himself with Bourbon as he recalled the last night event.

His phone rang while he was driving the car it surprised him even more when Sophie's number flashed on the screen. Curious, he picked it up.

"Oh I've been trying to get my hands on you?" He growled. "Where the hell are you hiding?"

"Looks like I called just in time," she said. "Anyways, I have something for you and in return you have to pay a good price."

"You're bargaining with me?" He said. "What could possibly a mere witch offer me?"

"A deal."

Valentine scoffed. "What deal?"

"Give me Davina and I'll help you get rid of the Mikealsons."

Valentine laughed in mockery. "Davina is a prize for me to cherish. She's more than enough for me to control whoever I want. Including you."

Shopie shot back. "Say whatever you feel like, Valentine but I know you killed Katie and I'm pretty sure that you somehow tricked Marcel and seize the control of the city. I'll make sure your precious Davina hear this piece of information."

Valentine had almost pulled the brakes but he somehow manage to not react much. "You won't be alive to find Davina and tell the story, Sophie Deveraux."

"Seems like I hit the nerves." She sheepishly said. Valentine parked his car in the building and climbed out with a grim expression on his face. "And I can assure you she'd believe every single word I'd say. Thierry wouldn't even need a convincing."

"You're a dead meat if you think you have a slight control over me."

"That I don't." She said. "Come on, Valentine. Think about it. You trust Davina but she won't stay put if I told her the truth. You must be aware of her little meetings with Klaus. So think twice before taking any decisions."

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