Chapter 17: Unanswered

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A month ago.

Mikealson mansion was enormous and whenever Klaus had time in his hand where he wasn't ripping anyone, he admired stuff around him.

The corner of room where he hardly notice was getting today's attention and thus, Klaus was busy looking out for things that belonged to his childhood.

Picking up the wooden knight he carved on his own at very young age made him smile. He had a horrible childhood and his artistry became his escape.

Caroline walked passed the hall when she saw him, smiling at something.

"That's beautiful!" She commented unable to resist her.

Klaus's attention was ultimately drawn toward her.

"It is." He said in a small voice and put it inside the box. His eyes flickered at a rare pendant was stashed inside in it. The one his moter gave him with the promises of love and strength. They all were fake.

His smile was gone and she noticed it. Confused, she followed his gaze which was stuck like lighting at the pendant.

She picked it up.

"Something wrong?" She queried, turning and tossing to inspect it. It looked simply beautiful.

"Nothing." His tone was absurdly flat.

"Really?" She asked. "Then what was that look for? Anyway, it looks so old."

"A thousand years old."

Caroline lightly nodded, reminding herself that she was standing next to an impossible creature!

"My mother gave it to me." Klaus said.

" you're missing your mom?" Caroline asked again as she placed the pendent back in the box. It was awkward for her that she didn't knew how it feels to miss someone. Her own missing pieces of life were a mystery and no matter how she tried she couldn't conclude if she really was related to anyone.

But she realized she had a mother or else she wouldn't had said if he misses her. It was an impulse. It's just the sad part was that she knew nothing for now.

"Why would I miss my mother when I killed her." Klaus stated proudly.

Caroline was shocked to hear that and looked at him in disbelief. Everytime her heart tries to see something good inside him, he turns out be unpredictable and extremely dangerous.

"You killed-"

"My mother." He finished for her. Caroline could see he had no remorse for his actions. Klaus's eyes were fixed at the pendant. "She especially made it for me so It could keep me weak."

"Why would your own mother want you to be weak?"

Klaus now faced Caroline. Though she told herself he was ferocious, she couldn't ignore to watch the pain that was reflected on his face. A feeling he failed to hide from anyone. Klaus continued the tale. "So I couldn't trigger my werewolf side." He shut the box with a loud snap. "My mother made me weak to hide her betrayal and my father used to beat me to death because I couldn't compete with anyone. They are the reason that I am so cruel. They killed my humanity."

Caroline was once again taken aback. His words were so painful to hear. Sympathy was already visible in the corner of her eyes but she stopped herself from saying something. For a month she came to know about him was that he was lonely. The kind of person who doesn't like to share his emotions, pain or feelings.

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