Chapter 20: Trap

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Klaus and Caroline were searching the unlinking spell in Esther's book as the plan to free Hayley from the Sophie was going to happen tonight. Shuffliing pages after pages, Klaus was able to find it first. Caroline stopped when she saw him tearing the page from the grimore.

She watched his closely as he stepped out of the, calling tyler probably to execute the next part of the plan. Caroline whose head was filled with Valentine's voice began searching the other things on the box.

Valentine's voice told her to find something.

Something useful.

Something to hold against Klaus. Something that shows his vulnerability.

And there it was. Among the things inside the box was a small dairy with patchy pages, withered handwriting. A journal of Klaus. She couldn't miss the handmade bookmarks he drew in everyother pages.

"Can i come with you?" She ran to his car in time to catch up with him, hiding the journal.

"No," his voice was stern. "You stay! What I'm going to do is risky. I don't want you to indulge in these activities. Just stay here with Rebekah and Hayley."

"Keep it up on the way!" She sat inside the car, wearning her seatbelt."Let's not waste anymore time."

"I assume the time has come." Essther annouced to Sophie amd Monique who were preparing for the ritual in the cemetery. "Sacrifice is needed to be made"

"Lets kill Hayley then," Sophie said.

"The baby has to born first in order to complete the ritual," the mikeslson mother said. "Get her. Beware of my children. And freya. I can feel her magic in New Orleans".

"Monique & I can handle her".

"I hope you'd make it back with her."
They both left and shortly after Valentine had appeared.

"Have you prepared everything?"

"Not yet. Sophie and Monique are on the way and as soon as Hayley's here, it will be. When that baby is born, I will be able to do what ancestors want but before that I want you to distract Klaus. He's not an easy target to fool by Sophie or Monique."

"Worry not. I've something that can knock off Klaus anywhere."

By midnight, the meadow street would be deserted. The only living things were the cats roaming around. It was scary and Caroline felt chills running down her spine. She felt colder than before.

As expected Valentine showed up, his hands inside his pocket, looking as savage as ever. "You told me you've found something valuable and important."

"Does a journal sounds pretty good."

"Seems like it."

She handed it over to him and as he flipped over pages after pages, his smile become deeper. "I never doubted you, Caroline. You definitely found a treasure for me."

"Do I have to keep doing that?" She asked. "They're gonna know eventually."

Valentine looked dangerously at her. "That is not my concern right now. There place is your new home."

Caroline spoke lowly. "I can't. In order to meet you, I deliberately had get into an argument with Klaus and I told I won't go back in."

The smile was gone. "You should've asked me first before deciding anything by yourself?"

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