Chapter 30: In my Dreams

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Caroline's POV

I enter my room after a sweet goodnight kiss with Sam and lock the door behind me.

I turn around and gasp as I find Klaus sitting on my bed, actually lying comfortably in my bed and is busy reading the books written by Alaric Saltzman about him.

"Hello love". He lowers the book and meet his eyes with mine.

I swallow the lump down my neck and gather the word to say something to him but I find my words disppear from my mind.

He keeps the book in table, his classic smrink plastered upon his lips and he gets up.

"Wh-What are you doing here, Klaus?". I ask finally.

He doesn't answer me back and keep coming closer to me. I take a step back, unable to understand what he is upto.

I continue to stare his magical green- blue eyes as he comes closer to me. What should I do? Should I call someone before he rip me apart? Or maybe he is not hear to kill me? Oh god! This is so confusing! My fist tighten as his face is just an inch away  from mine.

"Kla..". He cut me off and vamp speed, pushing me to the door. His hands holding my arms. I m scared as hell.

"What are you doing Klau..". Before I can say further, he lightly slams my face with his and presses his lips with mine.

What the hell is happening?

I really missed his kiss. It's the sensation I've never felt. I part my lips and he slip his tongue and run it along with mine. I run my finger through his dirty blonde hair and he pulls me closer.

He then pull away his mouth from mine and bring it to my neck. I moan at the sensation.

"What are you doing, klaus?". I whispers, my eyes still close due his touch.

He stops and I regret  to interrupt him.

He looks at me for a second, maybe thinking to back off and finish what he has actually decided.

Instead he lovingly brushes of my few hair, making me surprise.

"Just kiss me". He tells me. I can't help it and crash my lips with his in a deep, passionate kiss. His soft hand run through my neck and my pearl necklace break down due to force when he rub my neck.

We again separated our lips from each other and in a second, Klaus rip my flapper dress and lift me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and we vamp speed to my bed.

We kiss again, making me addicted to him. He's like a drug and each time, I crave for it, even when he's not around. I m going crazy.

He now run his lips into my neck. He roughly kiss and lick it while I moan continously at the contact.

All of a sudden he stops and ask me to look at him.

His green-blue eyes turn brown while black veins pulsating beneath his eyes and before I can understand anything. He reveals his deadly fangs, then dig them into my neck and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"No!" I scream and I hear a loud thud.

I open my eyes and find myself in the car. I look around and adjust my eyes. I m almost thrown toward the front mirror and if I haven't wore my seat belt I probably would have hit my head.

"Are you okay?". I hear Sam's voice.

I didn't answer him but check my surroundings, trying to understand everything. My dress is fine and so my pearl necklace. I check my neck which is totally fine. No bite marks.

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