Chapter:7 Let's work together

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Caroline poured herself a glass of water and emptied it only half when Klaus entered in, his hand full of snacks and food he'd brought a while ago.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her and put the food down on the counter.

"Alive!" Caroline replied blankly.

"Why didn't you tell-"

"That I was freaking hungry." Caroline finished the sentence for him and slammed the glass on the counter, passing a hard glare meanwhile.
"Why do you even care? I am a weak, pathetic human and of course, human life doesn't matter to you."

"Maybe I care for your human life." He said, slipping out his concern for her.

She didn't know if it was the truth.

"Now you are concerned about me? How touching!" Caroline crossed her arms upon her chest.

"Is that so hard to believe?" Klaus enquired.

Caroline chuckled sarcastically. "You threaten me, choked me while imprisoning me with some of your creepy vampires. So, the answer to your question is yes."

Klaus' expressions were completely changed at her statement. It wasn't just what she said, the tone and audacity were. Only a few had lived before him after such behavior.

Thus, his concern for her was short-lived.

"Perhaps, you're right," He took a few steps to her, wearing a threatening smile on his face that was hard to miss., "This is what I am —a Monsters. Isn't it?"

Caroline realized how her stupidity and attitude triggered his anger but before she can curse herself or call him down, Klaus, who was staring her constantly for few second vamp sped at her.

He held her in his arms tightly, spreading various emotions inside her mind. She had no time to recify her mistake as Klaus' dug his fangs deep inside her neck.

She screamed.

Klaus backed away after drawing sufficient blood from her. Blood dripped down his lips which he wiped off and then licked.

"Out of vervain." He remarked. "Just like how I like it."

Caroline cried in pain and looked at him with her best anger and hatred. Their eyelock was broken by Hayley, who came running after hearing her scream.

"What the hell, Klaus?" Hayley yelled at him.

He glanced at her soon to be kid's mother who was approaching to Caroline. But before she barely walked, he yelled at her.

"Step away, little wolf," He growled, threatening over.

Hayley stopped at the same spot facing Klaus' temper. She glanced at Caroline who was in pain due to the hybrid bite and then glanced back at Klaus. She somehow gathered courage and resumed walking when Klaus shout back again.

"I said step away," her voice was louder than before; merciless. "You are not needed here and I have an emergency confession on the way."

"And that's how you approach for the confrontation." Hayley spat back. "I know she is held here for your never ending plot to takeover but you could do better."

"Are you leaving or not?" He didn't care what she said.

Hayley was up for more argument when Caroline interuppted.

"Hayley, Go." She told her. "I knew this was coming one day or another."

"But Caroline-"

"I'm fine Hayley." She said, holding her wound. "I want to be done with this."

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