Chapter 2:The blonde girl

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The blonde girl woke up from her slumber, remembering the incident that took place before she fainted. It was looping inside her mind and tortured her vision. Was that real or not? With several blinks, she looked around, and soon enough, confusion was written all over her face.

"What the hell is happening?" She muttered to herself. "And what the hell was that? Oh my God, A vampire. No, no, no! That's insane."

Pushing her thoughts aside she stared around. "Where am I?"

The room she was in was feminine in every way. From curtains print to the design of closet, she could tell a woman used to or was still living there.

Throwing the sheets away, she got off the bed and went to the door, and was quickly stopped at the doorway.

"You cannot leave this room. Klaus told us to keep you here." The stern and alert tone was on point.

But she wasn't up for another torture. "I'm not your little pet to be kept inside a room."

"What Klaus says goes in the house. Sorry, you can't leave."

She was furious. "Who the hell is Klaus?"

"Are you talking about me, love?" A voice came from the other side, making her head turn at him. Tall, handsome, and quite the accent. He looked as if confidence was born from him. His aura was that effective. Or she was still struggling to see past the weird and scariest thing that happened to her in such a short time.

"So you're Klaus. Whatever, I'm leaving." She annouced flatly.

Klaus smiled. "You can't leave unless you wish for death."

Her eyes widened at the threat. They were as casual as asking for the weather update. Or maybe it was a joke.

She forced a laugh. "Oh, you've got a dark sense of humor."

"It wasn't a joke." He corrected and made his way to the stairs. "Join me for breakfast, will you?" Caroline looked at the guy who stopped her before and when he did nothing as she tried to move, she continued to follow the British guy.

"Screw it. I'm not waiting for a second." she had only taken a few steps when a blur made her vision faint and she found herself sitting on the chair at the dining table.

"What on earth?"

"I've got moves." He said, taking a chair adjacent to her. "Now how about some breakfast."

"I want out. There is no way I'm eating with a creepy stranger that jokes about killing."

"Don't be such a dramatic. We will be having a small Q and A and your fate rests on the answers you give."

"I'm telling you nothing. " she snarled.

Klaus's face turned stoic. He bolted up , flashing his annoyance and she gulped, feeling terrified. Klaus moved toward her and pulled her up, bringing her closer to him and bore his eyes into her.

"Who are you?"

Klaus was surprised when Caroline struggled and resisted to get herself free from his clutch. "Go to hell."

It didn't take him a second to guess she was on vervain. He couldn't' stop stifling a mocking laugh. "Oh, you just got interesting."

"Let go of me." She shouted.

"No, you can't." He said. "Tell me what is your name?"

She kept her mouth shut and looked away.

"I said tell me!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, scaring her to the point that she remembered what had happened last night. Klaus had again gripped her by her arms, this time his hold solid and painful. His eyes changed color, leaving her in a state of shock.

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