Chapter 22: Transition

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"Mom, I am scared. Please hold me from behind". The little Caroline said to her mother as she was riding the bicycle.

"I am with you Caroline, always". Her mother assured her while holding the vehicle from behind.

Caroline, a little relieved as well as scared and continued riding it. Her fragile heart was holding herself as she made her way through the empty road.

After riding a long way, she stopped and looked back.

Happiness filled her in as she saw her mother standing very far. She was proudly smiling at her daughter for how she drove the bicycle without any support.

Caroline smiled back.


Caroline flicked open her eyes as the memory struck her mind. She looked everywhere and found Josh sleeping on the couch on the other side. Her stomach did a somersault as she tried to put the pieces together of the dream she had. It wasn't a dream. It felt more than that. Too real to be a dream.

She got up from the couch and felt uneasy on the first step. She went straight to the kitchen and poured the water in the glass and took a sip but the water had a distinct taste that she wanted to choke and puke.

Caroline wondered at the glass. The noise coming from the street started to pierce her ears so badly. She felt irritated and goes toward the window to close it and saw Marcel down the street, standing for her protection. Before she can close the window, the sunlight started to bother her.

Caroline, almost losing herself, slammed the window wondering the uneasy ness she was feeling.

She leans against the cupboard breathing in and out deeply. She again looked at Josh who was still sleeping and opened her cupboard. She goes through her clothes and finally picks one out but it was stuck in something.

Caroline looked carefully and saw that her cloth was stuck on a nail. She lightly pulls it but her strength seemed too stronger that a door was wide opened, showing an entrance to an inside secret room.

The noise made Josh wake up. He looked at Caroline who was standing near cupboard looking at something.

"What are you looking at?". Josh asked, standing beside her.

"There's something inside". Caroline replied and Josh's attention was now drawn toward the secret entrance.

Caroline slid all of her clothes to one corner and both get inside.

The small room was filled with thousand, antique dark objects.


The miracle baby was long born and Hayley was mercilessly killed by Sophie and Monique. They had put the baby in a basket covered with small and comfortable blankets.

"They are coming". The harvest girl, Cassie informed them.

"We need to leave. As soon as the moon disappears from the sky, we can begin the sacrifice." Sophie said holding the basket and all four left.

Esther was already in the cemetery lighting the candles everywhere.

Valentine who was watching her, trying to be patient with her. "The baby is born. You need to finish it now."

Esther dramatically rolled her eyes on how impatient vampires are. She kept a bowl in front of her with some herbs in it. She then cut her palm and pour the blood of hers in it. Along with it, she adds ashes of the white oak tree.

Valentine glanced at his watch and the specific memory of last night clicked in.


Valentine injected Caroline with chemical and she fainted instantly on the ground without making a noise.
The man who had claimed to be in danger by Valentine got up. He gave a thumbs-up as he was actually a vampire playing his part in Valentine's plan.

Valentine looked at Caroline and lean down. He then bit his wrist and make Caroline drink his blood in unconscious state. As soon as the vampire blood reached inside her, Valentine snapped her neck without any hesitation. A sly smirk was attached in his lips.

"Welcome Caroline a new world".


Back to the present...

It took long than Valentine had expected Esther to finish the spell. The candles blew like someone poured gasoline on them and the whole cemetery lit up like it was daytime.

Esther offeref the bowl to Valentine and who drinks it instantly.


The four Mikealson arrived at the church and find lifeless Hayley. The Heartbroken, Elijah vamp speed to Hayley, holding her in his arms while sobbing.

The other three look at them who are also grieving on Hayley's death.

"My baby, it's gone". Klaus said, a teardripping down his eyes.

"Your baby is alive, Klaus. The sacrifice will be made after the moon completely disappears the sky. We have time to save your baby. She must be in the cemetery to offer the sacrifice to the ancestors." Freya said.


Caroline, Josh and Marcel were now inside the secret too, exploring as much as they could.

"What's all this?" Caroline asked while looking at the dark objects placed at every corner.

"Dark objects, created by witches". Marcel replied, holding a dark object- devil star in his hand.

"From where did it all come?". Caroline wonders

"We should ask the previous owner of this apartment." Josh commented.

Caroline finds a file and opens it. Few papers were attached inside of it.

"The O Connells". Caroline reads one of the page's title.

Marcel's attention was drawn to the name and he remembered the daughter of O'Connells, who used to live here.

"This stuff belongs to O'Connells. I remembered a girlfromf this family. We often met sometime and hang out together but I never knew she had an arsenal."

Caroline was listening carefully but Marcel's words but halfway they started to blur and echoed inside her mind. She felt suffocated and hurriedly came out of the room.

Marcel kept the devil star inside his pocket and came out of that room , followed by Josh. They look for her but she was gone.

Caroline leans on a wall at the corner of the street. The noise of a car's honk was bothering her. She sounded louder than ever. The image in front of her started to blur and it was so hard to decipher between anything.

2 years ago

Caroline was completing her homework in her room. Her mother come in the room and gave her a cup of hot chocolate. She thanked her..

As she was going to take a sip, she heard a knock on the door.

"Dad's home". Caroline jumped out of the bed and ran toward the door. Excited she opened it without asking if the person was really his father but before she could see anything, a white light blinded her vision and she was knocked back to the present.

Caroline settled her eyes once again. The colourful street were now back. The white light she saw was actually the sunlight which was making her restless, annoyed and she was so screwed to realize that she was in transition.


Updated on: 27 December 2018

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- Anshika

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