Chapter 35: Sired

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"What?" Davina eyes widen in disbelief as Caroline finally shared her thought.

"Yes! I once told you that there's something holding valentine from killing klaus and I finally know it."

"You mean to say Valentine can't kill klaus because he's still sired to him." Said kol.

"Yes!" She nodded. "That explains why my father was so hell bent on separating me from Klaus because he knew I'll eventually figure it out.”

"That's a total game changer." Davina smiled at her. "Don't you think you should tell him everything."

"I am and I will."  Caroline replied instantly. "I can't stand the idea of him hating me forever. I now have a chance to fix everything before it gets too late."

Davina looked at Sam expecting him to be devastated but he had a calm and contended face.  He was aware his love was one sided from the beginning. Caroline cared for him, even loved him, but not to the extent where she could've moved on.

Kol sighed, as happy as others on having leverage over Valentine.
"Then you better hurry. " he suggested, pointing at the knocked oit body. "Before he wakes up and become uncontrollable."

"Exactly," davina agreed. "I'll come with you. There's a lot I've to tell you."

Caroline simply nodded, locking his eyes with Sam. She felt guilty, now even more for hurting him like that. There was utter silence between them for a moment when he stepped ahead and put his hand upon her shoulder, gesturing her to go ahead.

"Hope Marshall is klaus' daughter". Caroline amuses at the newly information given by Davina.

"Yeah! They are sort of protecting her from some kind of evil magic". Said Davina while adjusting herself in the passenger seat and Caroline is drives the car.

A small smile scattered across Caroline's lips.
"I-I always knew I share some kind of connection or bond with hope but I never thought she's her daughter".

"Yeah, Kol and Marcel told me about it. I was shocked, too".

"How did you escape them and most importantly what did you tell kol that now he's on our side?".  Caroline's questions  her with curiosity.

Davina frustratedly tries to do any sort of magic but in vain due to the place which is spelled against the witchcraft.

"You do know it's a waste of time and FOOD". Kol commented on her unsuccessful magic attempt and the untouched food lying on the table.

"I'm not hungry. I just need to get out of here". She scowl.

"Why are you dying to protect your friend who did nothing but betrayed everyone?". Kol commented as he lies on the next sofa.

"Says who?? ' The maniac' himself. I've heard about you, kol Mikealson. The killing spree who torment people". Davina muttered.

"Ouch! That was so brave of you to say in infront of 'the psychotic maniac".

"I'm not afraid of you", she remarked.

"I can clearly see that, darling but you still can have some food". He wavered.

"You know while we are sitting here, valentine may rip apart the entire mystic falls". She finally snapped.

"My family will take care of him and there's nothing you could do to help your friend".

"Ofcourse I can. That's why I came here in the first place to learn about valentine transformation and if you and Marcel would have let me, I may have find a loophole by now". She drawled.

"Even if you're right I can't let you go to your friend. She's the main threat"

"She's not at Valentine's side. Infact she's the one who asked me to find a way to kill his step-father for good".

"The food is here, suit yourself. I'll be around". Kol dismisses the conversation as he was no longer to hear her shouting and defending Caroline who according to him—is the real threat and enemy.

He gets up and tries to walk away but Davina grabs his arm.

"I think there's a way I can show you the truth". Saying so, Davina caught his lips and kisses him hard while opening her mind of memories.

Kol's now float around her memories in which Caroline once showed Davina some horrific incident his father did to destroy the Mikealsons family and how he used her meanwhile.


"So kol decided to help us and take down valentine once and for all". Davina concluded.

"That's Terrific!". Caroline said and stops the car in front of her burnt house. "Are you sure klaus' is here?". She pointed.

"As per locater spell, YES!". Davina assures her and they both get off the car.

"I think I can handle it from here. You don't have to come with me". Caroline tenses for Davina because there's a chance Klaus won't believe her and he could kill Davina.

"If you want I can wait outside; give you and Klaus a moment alone".

Caroline nodded and head inside. The door creak open and nervousness take over. As she found him, a gasp escape her mouth; eyes widen when she saw him lying on the floor with a stake in his heart. In a second, she vamp speed to him.

"Klaus!". She whispers in shock and removes the stake. The grey lines slowly disappeared and Caroline let out a breathe of relief.

She gets up and instead of waiting for klaus' to wake up; she look around her lifeless home where she spent 16 years.

Her eyes scan the faded colour of wall, burnt curtains and rusted ornaments. She walks further toward the door where her mother and father's burnt corpse is reclined. A small tear roll down to her cheeks in memory of her dead parents.

Her attention was suddenly drawn to a loud gasp and she spin around to find Klaus finally woken up.

"Klaus? Are you okay? What happened?". Caroline immediately ask.

"Your father happened. I followed him here and he stabbed me".. Klaus grunted as he come closer to her.

"Klaus, he's not my father". Caroline finally spills.

Updated on: 16 March, 2019

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