Chapter 15: Harvest

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"You mean the earthquake we felt today was Davina." Sophie repeated what Elijah had told her meanwhle pretending as if she wasn't the one who caused the problem in the first place.

The Mikealsons surrounded the living room with Hayley sitting on the sofa while Caroline staying inside the room closer to them, eavesdropping their conversation while checking up on Davina who was asleep on the bed.

"Yes, " Rebekah confirmed. "She shook the entire town with her magic."

Klaus sighed. "Something had triggered and right now she is exploding her magic at whatever her eyes fell at."

"Then it is a big problem." Sophie commented. 

Elijah rounded at her side, coming face to face her. "How can we fix it? You're a witch. There must be a solution."

"There was," Sophie said, her tone taking a curt sound as she passed him a sharp glare. "If we could complete the harvest but guess what? You killed our last living elder."

Klaus shook his head. "You're still after Davina, isn't it?"

"You think that I am lying." Sophie spat in defense. "The earthquake you just felt today is a preview of a disaster movie that is about to hit us."

"Why should we believe you?" Elijah looked over.

"Come on! We all know Davina's story. For the past 8 months, she has been holding the power of the 3 girls sacrificed in that ritual. A force that was meant to flow through her and back to the earth. One person was never meant to hold that much power. It's tearing her apart and it will take us down with it."

There was a long silence between the siblings who exchnaged knowing glances.

"If it is the only way to fix this problem." Klaus said first. "Then we have to complete the harvest."

Sophie chuckled. "Harvest ritual can be only accomplished by the hand of an elder. Thanks to your brother that he killed Agnes—"

Elijah interrupted. "She came after us and no one lives who hurt my family."

"So now just sit and watch the city you built turns into ashes." Sophie taunted, making Klaus furious.

"I will not let that happen again. Find something or anything. We all know that Every magic has loopholes."

"Yes. I tried. There might be someone who could help us."

Elijah asked first. "And that someone is?"

Sophie continued.  "I did some digging  on our history of all the rituals that had happened over the centuries and I found a way. If we consecrate a very powerful New Orleans witch then its power can be absorbed to make a ordinary witch a temporary elder but—"

Rebekah cut in. "There's a always a but, isn't it?"

Sophie agreed. "Yes we do cause there's no witch whose power has not been shared with it's a community after the death."

"This must be my favorite part." Klaus had a wicked smile playing on his face. "Witch hunting is quite fun."

"Wait, wait, wait." Sophie was quick as she crossed her arms. "If you think you can randomly just kill a witch to consecrate then I won't let you."

"No one could never stop me, love."

"Klaus, " It was elijah who called out. "Listen to her first because if I'm not wtong that won't work."

"Exactly." Sophie confirmed Elijah. "We need a powerful witch. A witch strong enough to hand me enough power to complete the ritual." 

"Then what we are suppose to do?" Rebekah was frustrated. "Wait five decades for someone to tick of the requirement list and complete the harvest. Wouldn't Davina be having grandchildrens by then if we manage to eacape the situation."

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