Chapter 33: The Return

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"So you're Caroline Forbes as in daughter, I mean half...step daughter of the deadliest vampire in the world". Sam concludes after Caroline reveals her whole story.

"Yes, the somehwhat daughter who's running from him for almost 8 years". Caroline emphasis on the most important detail as she sits back in her chair while Sam is sitting at the edge of bed in her room.

"And Klaus Mikealson, the one who danced with you at the party and the one who technically killed me, is your enemy"?

"Well, I will actually blame myself for turning him against me?".

"Then why are sitting around here rather than telling him the truth?".

"As if I didn't try". Caroline snap at his response which was obvious for her to get mad due to her unsuccessful attempts.

"I m sorry for snapping at you, it's just so complicated". Caroline apologize as soon as she reliezed her uninvited gesture toward him, who has been truthful to her every second of his life, the moment they met.

"And why is this so complicated". Sam ask, completely ignoring her rude behavior. He gets up, kneels down toward Caroline and cups her face.

"I m sorry Sam but I can't tell you". Caroline sadly tells her, unable to meet her eyes with him. How can she possibly tell the remarkable return of his father.

"I think we just agreed to 'no lies and hide' policy". Sam remarked to her and Caroline now look at her.

Her mind started calculating the damage his father can make to anyone who came his way. Klaus was already enough for her to deal with and now his father came to make everything more difficult for her.

"My father is hell-bent on making me suffer for the mistake my mother did and he's not gonna spare anyone who came between us". Caroline reasons with her, hiding the fact that he also returned to kill klaus because he's now around her.


'Your father deadliest or not, I m still helping'

These word from Sam replays in caroline's mind since he left the room after a debate over his involvement in her battle is required or not.

Caroline did her best to persuade him to not but Sam stays adamant in his decision. Caroline is pacing back and forth waiting for Davina's call but no response.


Davina moans as she wakes up from her slumber and find herself in a car, occupying the passenger seat.

She blinks her eyes to adjust her vision in light and looks around.

"Morning Sunshine!". A thick accent Draws her attention to the driving seat.

"You!". She squeal as she finds herself sitting with Kol Mikealson.

"The one and only". Kol proudly announces.

"Stop the car".

"Not until we reach our destiny".

"I said stop the car or I will make you do it". Davina threatens him but her eyes go wide as she find herself handcuffs with chains.

"Anti- magic chains for crafty witches". Kol shows her a cocky smile at her inability.

"Why are you doing this to me". Davina panics.

"Because I fancy a revenge story and we are playing our part in it. I am the hunter and you're the victim.".

"Unchain me ones and you'll see how a hunter became hunted".

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