Chapter 40: Night in the moonshine!

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As breezing air hit Caroline's pink cheeks, few strands of hair flew along with the air. She titled her head a bit, then back to the way it was. Her sight was lost in the darkness while the freaking nightmare busted her dreams.

The battle with valentine and Hollow. They all were fighting against the two of them. Ripping each-other, shredding blood was all about it. She didn't recall how exactly she passed out. Did someone hit her? Snapped her neck? Or what? She didn't recall. Her mind was unconscious and lost in the world of dreams. They weren't just dreams, they were definitions of nightmares. The nasty one that no one wants but they haunt us, to remind us the things we do in our life.

Her fingers move against the freezing floor. She opens her eyes and find herself locked in some suffocated room. It was empty, dead as a doornail. The walls were painted with blue color, even the light which was lightning the room was blue. A coat of blue layer covered her skin. It felt awful, like death....until.....she found a door. A blue painted room with a wooden door,creepy! She rushed immediately and tries to open it. But it won't budge an inch. She felt her supernatural strength eloped somewhere as it was impossible to open that door.

She groaned while her numb fingers trying to pull the knob with all of her strength she can put into it.


"It won't open!" A voice echoes the room. Caroline spun in shock. There was no one! Lines appears on her forehead in fear. What is happening? Where is she? She pants and freak wildly, trying to break free mean time.

The car breaks squeal, making Caroline falls forward, but the seat belt held her tight. She opens her eyes, slowly and moans. The vision was blur for a few seconds after she rubbed her eyes. With several forced blinks, the view was clear. She was sitting inside a car.

"You're okay?" A familiar voice hit her mind. She glanced at the person. It was Klaus on the driver seat.

Relief spread over as she shoots a small smile. Nightmare! Go away! "Where are we?" She asked when she took a look around. The place was definitely unfamiliar. The car was resting on an unknown road, woods at both of it's sides.

"Just far away from the Chaos!" He replied cheerfully and get off the car. Before Caroline hands move to open the door, Klaus was already there. Like a gentleman he opened the door and gestures her to come outside.

Her eyes sparkled, dreamingly while she get off the car. The air was chill, soft and fresh, unlike the suffocation she felt in her nightmare.

"Let's walk!" Klaus says and entwined his fingers with her's. Following his steps, Caroline walks into the forest. She didn't know where they are going, but she trust him and she will go anywhere with him, even hell. She felt relaxed which she rarely cared to consider in past few days. The week was rough and exhausting. The hollow and Valentine made them dance like puppet.

But wait! Valentine's? Where is he? What the hell happened after she passed out.

Her feet crushed the ground as she stopped at her spot. Klaus glares at her, in confusion. She demanded the whole details in detail. Without any hesitation, he told her the truth.

Valentine has been captured. They have retrieved their territory, their home, their city while the ex-king is locked down in the dungeon under various spells. Now he won't bother them as long as they want. That's the only way to keep him check, until he's down permanently. The conversation was long as stubborn Caroline didn't spared a single detail from him.

"Where are we going?" She ask, after satisfied with his half father matter.

"Outers of the bayou!" He replied. The noise of water streaming reach their ears. The walk was complete and Caroline exclaims in awestruck! Unbelievable!

"This is the first place we inhabited for first few months when we arrived New Orleans!" He informs her.

In front of her was a stream, a landscape of mother nature. She can't help but smile at the scene. It was beautiful. Admist forest, there's a beautiful, jaw-dropping stream. The water were shining like pearls due to the moonlight. It wasn't full moon, but it's a week away. The whole place was lightened with the moonlight. Caroline saw Klaus face too in the same light. His arms were crossed at back while he was staring intensively.

"Let's get some food!" Klaus stated and walks toward her.

She softly chuckles. "So what are we gonna eat now? Bunnies? Don't tell me you brought me here just to hunt bunnies!"

Klaus smiled, making Caroline stare at him continuously. He sigh her to look back and she does.

Her eyes couldn't believe what was in front of her. A round table with two chairs. The table was decorated with flowers and food. A tent was also nearby. Klaus arms slip and held her by her waist. "Shall we?"

"Where did you get this?"

"Oh come on! I'm the hot hybrid and I can get what I want!" He replied, proudly.

"You can simply say, you compelled restaurant workers to setup a romantic dinner at the middle of the forest!" Blushing hard, she joins him for the dinner. "I never knew you are so romantic! Otherwise I wouldn't have waited for this long to have this beautiful day with you"

Klaus smiled, more likely blushed.

The night's becoming beautiful, she'd ever imagined. On the table, there wasn't any blood or anything, just normal human food and wine.

Talking about some random stuff while eating, dinner finished. The night was over, almost 1 in the morning. Caroline lies upon the soft mattress inside the tent and Klaus was on top of her, both kissing passionately. Both held each other's hand and Klaus sucks the skin of her neck, making her moan in pleasure.

They discarded their clothes, making no space to pass through between them. They both moan at the physical pleasure.

They'd already made love once, but this isn't what it was before. This is precious and exquisite as they've endured the hardship and realized the faith and pain of the love and why it's worth fighting for! The first time was rough and rush. They were still stranger, unknown with their feelings, desire and everything they never mentioned to each other. It was like the moment will go away anytime. At that moment, they both were unaware how deeply to they'll feel in coming time.

Caroline rest her head upon his chest, their hands gripping each other, body fully relaxed. All they know how badly they are in love with each other. With these thoughts, they fell asleep.

Several hour passed and they've been sleeping peacefully. All of a sudden, Caroline eyes opened. Her face was blank and so did her vision. It was she was staring at something but couldn't see exactly what? Her eyes travelled down at Klaus, who was sleeping peacefully.

Quietly, she pulled over Klaus' shirt on her skin and get outside. The sky was clear, stars barely visible on the sky. The moon was still shining, making everything glimmer by her light.

She walks a bit and sat upon a big rock, nearby the stream. She sucked in the fresh morning air and relaxed her body; her legs touching the cold water.

"I'm here!" The voice played in her mind. It was a whisper but words echoed as if someone screamed standing on the edge of a cliff. She titled her head in different directions to find no one. Sadly, she curled up her thighs and rest her chin upon them. Her eyes stared the water. A smrink escaped her lips and she waved her fingers. In response, the water started flowing in air. Her fingers dances, and so do the water as if she'd playing piano.

The smrink grew wider, when her Iris turned blue-electric blue!

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