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February 2009: 06:15
At that time, Jungkook wasn't feeling up to anything. He'd been this way for the past few months, bipolar and not wanting to have anything to do with anyone. All he wanted was to be alone. In secret, he wondered why he was this way, beginning to think it was all because of what happened to him back in December. His dreariness had gotten more and more noticeable as time passed, and his parents were beginning to take note of this. They became worrisome, and Jungkook hoped that they wouldn't ask any questions about why he was feeling the way he was.

His mother walked by him as he ate, and she saw him slouching.

"Gguk-ah..." his mother began, observing his sulking, "you're moody again..."

Jungkook did nothing but silently look up at his mother and then back down at his food, continuing to poke at it.

She sighed and smiled lightly with a concerned look on her face as she stood next to him, having stopped her morning routine. His father and his older brother both watched as he sat silently at the table. Jungkook's entire family watched him.

"You need to eat," she continued. "You're a growing boy. You can't get anywhere without eating your food..."

Jungkook remained unresponsive.

She was becoming even more worried after hearing nothing from him. He usually responded to her right away.

"Did you not get enough sleep last night?"

"No, I did. I'm fine, Mom, alright?" Jungkook finally responded, sounding a little snarky. "I'm just not hungry this morning."

He knew that that was a lie as soon as the words escaped his mouth.

Now, his mother began feeling a little annoyed that he was acting this way. She'd never witnessed this behavior from him. He was always so happy and cheerful. She stopped herself before she started yelling at him, convinced that something was going on with him that shouldn't be happening.

Gently, she put a hand on his shoulder.

"Jeonggukie, if something is wrong, you can talk to me. You know that, right?"

He pushed her hand off of his shoulder forcefully, startling both his mother and himself.

"Mom, I said I'm fine, okay? Now please leave me alone!"

His brother and father both got up from the table and left the house for school and work respectively with no hesitance, glad to be away from the conflict.

Jungkook felt his head begin to ache. Why was he acting like this? This isn't how he normally acts.

But then suddenly, he knew exactly what was happening.

"Well, if you were fine, then you wouldn't be acting like this!" his mother yelled. "If you were fine, then you'd be eating, and you'd be acting like the happy little boy that I know and love!"

He quickly stood up from his chair with rage, making it fall back onto the floor.

"Don't call me a little boy!!"

That's when he stormed off into his room with tears in his eyes, taking an immediate seat right behind his door. He curled up into a ball with his arms around his knees, and he unfurled his wings willingly, wrapping them around him and encasing him in his own little sanctuary so that he could bring himself to feel even more alone.

"You can't stay there for very long!" he heard his mother call out from the other room behind his closed door. "You still have to eat before you have to go to school!"

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