Jimin's Epilogue

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Before Jimin had started talking to me about any of his past, he'd emphasized to me that he wanted to keep any of what he explained as simplified as possible so as to not let the more horrible parts of it get stuck in his mind for too long.

"I was so certain when I walked in here that bringing all of this back to me was going to make me feel down for the next week," he'd said after we'd finally finished, "but I actually don't think that I'll have to worry about that anymore."

He laughed.

"This all actually went a whole lot better for me than I thought it would."

That was the exact thought that was going through my own head as he said that to me, making me laugh, too.

Jimin's interview had only been my second one yet (Jungkook's ended up not matching up to my definition of an interview, so I never counted it as one.), and hearing that the process didn't make him upset had helped a lot when it came to my confidence in my work, especially after all of the emotional pressure that came with the last one. Now that I knew that this process wasn't as bad of an experience for everyone else as I thought it was, I began to feel better about what I was doing, bringing my self-esteem back up.

I'd always found Jimin, just like I'd found Taehyung, to become so in-awe at the smallest things whenever we traveled somewhere for the first time or whenever we just did something that we'd never done before. He found everything to be beautiful, and my years of observing this—in addition to his and Taehyung's close friendship—would come to make sense after Jimin and I had finally finished everything up.

The reason why I'd only listed six defining factors in my introduction to these stories rather than seven is that one of them is shared amongst two. Jimin and Taehyung both are one of many of all of us in the world whose creation was defined by beauty. It's known that when two individuals of the same defining factor meet in their lifetime, they're sure to be inseparable, and that's just what they are. It's rare for something like this to happen to anyone, but it happened with them. As I know now, though, with their group, it was nothing but fate for the two of them. Out of all of us, they are the closest to each other than anyone else. They truly are soulmates just as they always say that they are.

Somehow, I'd always had a feeling that there was a reason for their unbreakable bond that I never knew, and after interviewing Jimin, I finally knew this reason.

"Taehyungie and I had known that we were both the same before any of the rest of us knew that all seven of us are like this," he explained to me once I began to realize all of this. "It was obvious from the first moment we saw each other. We connected immediately, and we both knew that there was only one possible reason for that. It took an awfully long time for us to truly believe it, though."

Jimin had been what helped bring Taehyung out of the state he'd been in from the events of his past, bringing him more than enough happiness and support that he may have needed. All of that extra cheer rolled over into today, and he uses it whenever Taehyung has a day where his past bothers him more than usual.

We all know Jimin as a contagious source of happiness, and we've revealed this more than once throughout our time together. He's brought happiness to all of us—not just to Taehyung—and he still continues to bring us this happiness to this day whenever we need it the most. Through every day that I watch over us, I go about sincerely hoping that the beautiful smile and the sweet, childlike laugh that he spent so long on his own trying to regain never fades from him again.

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