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April 4, 2009: 20:56
Through the large doors of the warehouse, the stars and the moon were visible, shining bright moonlight onto its floor. Taehyung sat against the wall outside of the hideout next to one of these doors waiting for Youngsoo and Eunmi to emerge so that they could all head home. Sitting alone, Taehyung held two blossoms from the blooming trees outside that managed to find their way inside the warehouse, levitating them and watching them in awe as they danced slowly in mid-air above his hand.  The looming moonlight flooded through the doors around him, reflecting off of the bright blossoms and making them look as if they were glowing. Maybe that wasn't the moonlight making them glow, maybe it was. Taehyung didn't know or didn't bother to think about that.

The humidity mixed in with the exertion of using his abilities made Taehyung begin to break a sweat. Where were Youngsoo and Eunmi? What was taking them so long? He stopped levitating the petals as to not unnecessarily exert any more energy. He would still need some for the walk home.

Taehyung jumped suddenly, quickly shoving the flower petals into the pocket of his jeans as he was startled by a noise from his left. He turned around to see Youngsoo and Eunmi banging on one of the hideout windows through the open curtains. Eunmi appeared to have been crying with fear from where Taehyung was. To himself, he wondered in worry why that was so. He looked at them with a concerned look on his face and shook his head at Youngsoo, unaware of what was wrong.

Youngsoo held a sheet of paper up to the window.

"Door's jammed."

Thinking to himself of what to do, Taeyhung was eventually left with only one choice. There was nothing around him in the warehouse to throw at the window, and he didn't have any knowledge on how to pick a lock. He stood up, panicking slightly over the situation. They had no way out. How else was he supposed to get them out without revealing his secret to them? Youngsoo and Eunmi moved away from the window, knowing what Taehuyng was about to do.

He was shaking a little, pressured by the task for a reason he did not know.

Just do it already.

Almost without thinking, Taehyung ran up to the window and punched it full force, shattering the entire window instantly. The impact was strong enough to send him backwards and send the glass throughout the entire perimeter of the hideout.

There was no escape...

A piercing scream immediately followed.

Taehyung sat up, his ears ringing from the shattering and his knuckles bloody from the glass.

He knew it for sure. He used his abilities without meaning to when he smashed that window. It happened so uncontrollably that it almost humored him.

He panicked again, suddenly remembering the scream he managed to hear over his momentary ringing.

"Youngsoo-ah? Eunmi-ah?" Taehyung yelled out in worry, his voice echoing through the emptiness of the warehouse as he stubbled aimlessly, trying to push himself to stand up.


Youngsoo's weak call had him frightened to death.


Taehyung's sudden thought of what had just happened to them made him nauseous.


The wings came out on instinct. Taehyung sped to them as fast as he could through the empty gap that once was the window they'd been stuck behind. He brought himself to a hover over top of Youngsoo and Eunmi, pierced with glass and crippling in their own blood on the floor.

He was right.

"Oh, God..."

The sight made him sick. He couldn't stand seeing his friends like this.

Suddenly becoming lightheaded from the repeated waves of nausea that overcame him, Taehyung staggered slightly in mid-air, eventually bringing himself to a kneel beside both of them. He quickly hid his wings after he did so, knowing that, at this point, they both wouldn't have any recollection of seeing him like that later.

"Taehyungie...you...you have..."

"Eunmi, that isn't what I'm concerned about right now."

Tears began to well up in his eyes, bringing him quickly to a violent sob.

"What have I done?"

He looked down at his shaking hands, bloody and pierced with minute pieces of glass that he pulled out instinctively when he realized they were still there. It didn't hurt him to pull them out. He felt almost no pain in his hands. It would never be able to match up with the pain he was feeling otherwise.

"You guys..."

He paused, attempting to catch his breath through his sobbing. He trembled violently, reaching for their hands and grasping them as if they were the last things he had in the entire world to keep near to him.

"...you guys are going to be okay..."

Taehyung struggled to get his words through, his sobbing beginning to take away the best of him.


They stayed silent. Their only sign of approval was a blank glance from both of them.

Eunmi looked at Taehyung almost completely emotionless, hiding the immense suffering she felt inside. Her eyes were bloodshot; her mouth was stuck open, gasping for air while a thin stream of blood started to flow out of it; and tears reflected off of her face in the moonlight. She and Youngsoo both grasped Taehyung's hand in response as well, shaking just as much as he was. Youngsoo stared at Taehyung with grave concern unlike any other he had seen on him before through the many years that they were friends.

"HELP!" Taehyung yelled out to no one, "PLEASE, SOMEONE, HELP!"

What had he done?

Why did he do that?

Why couldn't he save his friends?

What was he supposed to do?

Voices shouted around him in the night. He turned around to see multiple silhouettes of people now approaching the warehouse where they had heard Taehyung's call for help. He stared, wide-eyed as if he were a deer in headlights.

He couldn't help but repeatedly admit it to himself. He did this. He hurt his friends. He couldn't save them.

What kind of angel was he?

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