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December 16, 2007: 12:34
Hoseok sat on his bed, the early afternoon sun peeking through the curtains on his windows as he flipped through his old diary, reading his old entries over to himself. Since the events of three days ago, that'd been the only thing consistently on his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about it, which was why he'd gathered the courage to pick up his diary again. He hadn't written in it in years, but just yesterday, he'd decided that he wanted to start a new chapter in it in which he would document his lonely adventures with his new wings. At times, he would laugh to himself reading his own entries, having almost completely forgotten that he had written some of them. Soon enough, he flipped to and read through the last entry.

March 3, 2002.

He was 9 then. The sloppy characters on the page were unfamiliar and barely readable just like all the other entries were. Reading through it, Hoseok had to repeatedly remember that these were his words that he was reading.

Once past the last entry, Hoseok shifted his position on his bed so that he laid on his stomach on top of the covers, his journal and pen propped up on the pillow in front of him. He revealed his wings as he did so, bringing them to his side so that they hung off of the sides of his bed and touched the floor while he laid. He always like revealing them when he was alone like this, though this was only his third day with them. It was a risky thing to do without freezing time like it had when he'd first earned them, but Hoseok, being himself, never minded taking a risk.

Clicking open his pen, Hoseok wrote the date on the top of the next page of the journal. He thought for a minute or two to if what he wanted to write down in the entry, and after getting a general idea of the words he wanted to say, he began writing.

Hello! It's Hobi! Long time no see, right?
I'm so sorry for being away for so long ㅠㅠ Did you miss me? I hope you did! I'll never know the answer of course, since you're only just a journal and can't talk, but that's okay! My handwriting had gotten so much better since the last time I saw you. You can actually read it now!
Anyway, I have a reason why I decided to return to writing here. I want to start writing a log of my journey over time now, and there's a reason for me wanting to do this, too. You see, a few days ago, something happened during school. You're not ready for this...I got wings!...somehow...
I still don't know how I managed to get them or why I did, and I don't know if I'll ever find out, but again, that's okay! Even though I'm still a little confused as to why I have them, I really love them, and I'm thankful to have them! I've gone outside to use them a few times since the first day (Don't worry! No one ever sees me. I can stop time now, too! Actually, I'm pretty sure I can do a whole bunch of other things besides that.), and I always get so happy up there! Flying is a lot of fun!
One thing that I wanted to write about here was a temptation that I've had since everything at school happened. I've been asking myself over the past few days whether or not I should tell Ruyoung about all of this (like Jae Ruyoung, the friend from some of my other entries). I feel like it wouldn't be a good idea only because I'm scared of how he'd react. What if he didn't like them or if he was afraid of them? It's not like I can undo his memory if I end up showing him and regretting it. I'm not worried about him telling anyone if I were to show him. He's been my friend for a long time, so I know for sure that we can trust each other.
I'll make the decision as to if I want to show him or not on my own eventually. For now, I don't really want to, but I may change my mind! You never know.
Anyways, it was nice to get this diary going again after so long! I'll write an update when I decide on something!

                           So long for now, friend!

After writing all of that, Hoseok began to gather up thoughts about his proposed decision. He really did want to show Ruyoung his wings really badly, but he had no idea when he'd ever get the chance to actually reveal them to him. He also was certain that if he were to tell him, he would definitely keep it to himself. That's just how close they were and how truly mature Ruyoung was. He wasn't one to ever make reckless decisions or take risks, unlike his best friend.

Hoseok sighed as he thought about his new dilemma, tapping his pen on his chin in concentration.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't hear his older sister open the door to his room until it was too late.



Hoseok quickly shifted his gaze to his sister who now stood frozen in his doorway.

His wings were still out...

"Oh no..." he muttered to himself as he suddenly realized the reason why she looked so stunned.

Hoseok, now in a sudden panic, had to think quickly of a way to handle the situation he was being faced with. His mind turned back to what he just wrote, about how he had doubts as to whether or not he was able to erase certain memories from people's minds if he were to have ever gotten into a predicament like he was in now. That might be the only option now, he concluded, and if it didn't work, if it turned out he can't wipe memories, he was surely done for.

"Don't freak out," he began to reassure his sister, "just...do you think you could maybe back out of the room for a second?"

With a small, panicked nod, she did as he said, and walked slowly out of his bedroom, closing the door behind her and leaning up behind it in shock. Hoseok then hid his wings, put his pen down next to his journal on the bed, and sat back up so that he was sitting on its edge towards the shut door. While sitting there aimlessly bringing his mind to think of his new intention to erase the part of his sister's memory that saw him with his wings, his hands began to warm up, and looking down at them, Hoseok observed in awe as they began to radiate a fluorescent yellow hue of light. It was more of a cream-color than a yellow, with an obvious white tint to its warm, sun-like glow. This had to work then, he suddenly thought, if his hands knew what he wanted to do.

He stood up, walking slowly to the door, and once he got there, he sighed.

"Sorry for this..."

Hoseok put his glowing hands up against the door, feeling them pulse slightly as he did so. He enjoyed the feeling of using his powers, a feeling he'd never known he could actually feel until just then. It was a different kind of enjoyable than the excitement that he felt whenever he had his wings revealed, though. This kind of enjoyable feeling was more of one of bewilderment and awe unlike anything else. This bewilderment put him in disbelief, making him ask himself if this really was him that was doing this even though he knew well that it was. As he expected, too, this definitely wouldn't be the last new feeling of all the new feelings he would experience during his journey.

Once the pulsing stopped and the light from his hands faded, Hoseok waited a few seconds to see if he would end up hearing any signs of it working. After about 15 seconds, he opened his door, startled to see his sister standing there and looking as if she were just about to reach for the doorknob herself.

"Oh, Hoseok-ah! I was just about to come in and tell you that lunch is ready."

It was extremely hard for him to hold back a smile after she'd said that, but he tried his best to. He nodded.

"Alright," Hoseok responded. "Give me a minute?"

"Yeah, of course."

Hoseok walked back into his room, shutting the door behind him. All he did after that was stand there with a huge smile on his face as he looked down at his hands in shock.

"It worked..." he laughed to himself with a sigh of relief. "It really worked. I did it."

Obviously it did. Why wouldn't it have if he wasn't what he was?

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