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January 2, 2009: 10:43
Jimin's family had been out since the first rays of sunlight struck the busy, bustling streets of Seoul, and he'd been following them all day waiting for the best moment to drop in and reveal himself to them. Still sitting on the rooftops, he'd began feeling like the moment he was witnessing at that moment was the moment that he'd been waiting so anxiously for during the past few hours: the moment when it seemed that his family needed him the most.

It was New Year's all over again. They were huddled together in a secluded alley away from the crowds, his father still clutching the same photo of Jimin in his arms from the night he last saw them. At first, he was unsure of how he would reintroduce himself to them as who he was now: a Jimin changed for the better, one unlike the one that they knew before. Then, through his thinking, he recollected something he'd learned through the instructions he'd received in his mind during the Reveal.

He could interrupt their thoughts. He could talk to them in their head.

For some reason, though, he was hesitant. Was this really what he wanted for himself now? he thought. Was he really ready to sacrifice his freedom and go back to the home that he'd known all his life?

Yes, he was.

Jimin sighed to himself before closing his eyes and trying to talk to his mother.


No response. He tried again a few seconds later.

"Hello? Mom?"

Through his closed eyes, he could hear his mom begin to silence her crying. It was working.

"Mom, it's Jimin."

"JIMIN-AH!" she cried out loud instinctively with excitement.

Jimin opened his eyes and saw his brother and father looking at her curiously.

"Shhh, don't say anything else. I'm talking to you through your mind."

For a brief moment, her excitement was interrupted by slight confusion before she began to respond to him.

"Jiminie, I've missed you so much! We all have—your brother, your father, your friends, too! Everyone missed you! Please tell me you're coming home..."

He laughed to himself with a smile.

"I've missed you, too, Mom, and yes, I'm coming home."

She turned to his brother and father, who both still had their gaze locked on her.

"He's coming home."

"What?" his father asked her, both confused and suddenly overjoyed. "How do you know?"

"I...just do!" she said, knowing it would be a bad time to tell him that Jimin was talking to her through telepathy.

"Where are you, Jiminie?"

No going back...

"Look up."

Just as he told her to, Jimin's mother turned her head upwards to look at him, immediately bursting yet again into tears, but this time, her tears were of joy, not sadness. She didn't only see her son just then; she saw his wings, too, for the very first time, and she wasn't afraid at all. His father and brother followed, both extremely relieved to see him.

"Woah, cool!" his brother exclaimed in awe, pointing up to Jimin on the roof.

"Shhhhh...We don't want anyone outside the alley knowing."

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