Chapter 4 part 2 - Change of colour

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 Once all the first years were sorted into their houses, Professor Mcgonnagal was about to send the hat away when it shouted out 'CHANGE OF COLOUR' the teachers all looked puzzled, but Dumbledore and Mcgonnagal knew that could only mean one thing that if the rumors were true ... the dark lord's daughter had returned to her rightful parents and was here at Hogwarts. 

The next thing they heard was the hat shout 'SKARLETT MAE RIDDLE, come forward to be re-sorted' This shocked the whole school (apart from those who already knew of the Dark Goddess' return), all the students started whispering 'i didn't know that he who shall not be named had a daughter' 'i thought he was incapable of love' etc. Then all of sudden, the students gasped as Skarlett (formerly known as Hermione) stood up from her seat and walked towards the front of the teacher's table, where the hat was waiting for her. She sat on the stool and the hat floated about her head for less than a second before it whispered quietly to her 'time to claim your throne and return to your rightful roots dark goddess' then roared out 'SLYTHERIN' and the whole slytherin table roared into cheers and applause. 

Skarlett smiled at the welcoming reception of her new house, hopped off the stool and over to her new house table, noticing her uniform had changed

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Skarlett smiled at the welcoming reception of her new house, hopped off the stool and over to her new house table, noticing her uniform had changed. The whole school was shocked, their golden princess was actually the dark side's goddess and the dark lord's daughter. 

Just as she was about to reach her seat and sit down with her new housemates and friends that she had made over the summer when she was announced that she had returned, Harry, Ron and Ginny approached her. "How could you not tell us you were related to the dark lord, our enemy?" Shouted Harry. "I tried to tell you on the platform but was interrupted by the train signal to leave and you guys left before i got a chance to tell you" Skarlett said. 

"Lies, you weren't going to tell us or you would have told us when you found out." Ron said. "I did tell you, i wrote to all of you but i can see now that you didn't read my letters then, at least i know now why i didn't get a reply because you guys didn't even bother to read my letters, thanks it's nice to know where your loyalties stand." Skarlett replied then began to walk off towards her seat, when Ginny shouted 'well we can't be friends with those associated with the dark side and the enemy." Skarlett stopped in her tracks and turned around and said "associated with the dark side and the enemy, just because i am in slytherin and the dark lord's daughter ... i thought we were friends ... you promised that we would always stick together and be friends no matter what or did you coincidentally forget that." And with this last remark, she walked off over to her seat and sat beside Pansy, who she became best friends with over the summer. ( Draco is not at the table but in the toilet at the time so missed the argument) 

"Hey are you ok Skar?" Pansy asked looking concerned for her friend, Skarlett just shaked her head and began to cry softly and Pansy just hugged her as her friend's cries got worse and was struggling to calm down and breathe because of how upset and angry she was, so she mouthed to Blaise to get Draco as she knew he would be able to calm her best friend down. So Blaise went and got Draco and just as they came back into the hall, Skarlett collapsed due to exhaustion, lack of energy, strength and oxygen, as Draco saw this, he ran and caught her before she fell onto the floor and took her to his God-father's quarters to be checked over and see if she was ok. 

Sorry for the short chapter ... got a little bit of writer's block hope it will pass soon so you have longer chapters to read .... 

Stay tuned for more ...

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