Chapter 7.2 - Riddle's family ball

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As they walked back to the party hand in hand, they continued to talk about what they were going to say to their friends and family and they decided it was best if Skarlett told her family first without him by her side as not to raise suspicion with other guests,  then speak to his family next and then announce that they were going to be together officially to everyone at the ball in the proper and traditional pureblood way. As Draco and Skarlett got closer to the party, they parted ways so they didn't raise any suspicion. Skarlett heading towards her parents and Draco over his friends: Blaise and Theo. 

Whilst Draco was busy talking and hanging out with his friends, Skarlett on the other side of the ballroom was talking to her parents about what her and Draco had been chatting about on their walk in the mystical gardens and how they connected on all levels especially intellectually and how it was the strongest connection she had with someone by far all night and also  that he quoted word for word what she said to her mother moments before whilst they were having dinner and she knew that he couldn't have heard them as he and his family were not seated near them, so she knew they had a true connection. 

Whilst their daughter told them all of this, they could see a little twinkle in their daughter's eyes when she spoke of the young Malfoy and also how her face lit up when she spoke of him too and at that point they knew that Draco was the one for their daughter, they were secretly hoping she would pick the young Malfoy and they glad she did. "So what do you think? do you approve?" Skarlett asked and both parents looked at each other then over at Draco then back at their daughter and nodded "Of course we do my angel, we were secretly hoping you would pick Draco." Her mother said to her and smiled and their daughter smiled back at them.

"He is very handsome young man, wise too and very well educated and in high esteem i.e. he has good core values and very respectful and will do anything to protect those that he loves ever so dearly so i know he will take good care of my precious ladybird for me, so i can trust him with my daughter because he knows what will happen if he upset my little angel." Her father continued. "Oh come off it father, we all know you are a big softie when comes to me and besides you can trust Draco to not hurt me or do anything to upset me and he know the consequences behind it." Skarlett replied as her father jokingly pretended to be offended by his daughter's notion that he was a 'marshmallow' when it comes to his little girl even if it was true. 

Once Skarlett and her parents had finished their conversation, she headed over to talk to Draco's parents. "Hello Mr and Mrs Malfoy, enjoying the party?" Skarlett asked greeting Draco's parents. "Yes we are, thank you for inviting us." Narcissa replied. "So how's the business coming along Mr Malfoy? i heard you are looking to expand into all kinds of potions, spells etc." Skarlett asked Draco's father. "yes the business is doing great and yes we are looking into those areas to see if it will be successful, thank you for asking." Lucius replied to Skarlett's question. 

"I ask because i have some ideas that i think would be very successful like you could expand your business into the medical side of things such as healing potions, surgical solutions, neurology, psychology etc. i heard through the grape vine that the medical side of things is huge as well as the beauty side too, sorry i am rambling too much, it's just i looking into become either an neurologist or psychologist, i find it fascinating trying to work out how things work and how people react and why they do certain things, it's truly incredible when you find out how things work and why." Skarlett said and Lucius felt warmed up inside that Skarlett had taken interest in his business. "Well i will certainly look into those areas that you suggested, you have a bright future ahead of you Miss Skarlett, i wish i could someone as bright as you working in my company, you could be a real boost to the firm." Lucius said with great pride. "Thank you Mr Malfoy, i am sure that your company will have great success in every direction you decide to take it in, anyway Mrs Malfoy, my apologies we left you out, How's the new collection coming along? Skarlett asked and Narcissa replied "Not so good, i can't seem to find any inspiration for a new design, i have a severe case of designer block , i want the new collection to be unique, something that has never been done or ever been see before." Skarlett nodded and answered "I think i have a solution for that, why don't you try an oriental theme combined with a vintage bohemian look and as far as i know that has never been done before, you could go into our mystical gardens for some inspirations if you like." Narcissa smiled and said "Thank you Skarlett, i would love too."

Meanwhile over with Draco and his friends who busy chatting about quidditch amongst other things. "Erm Drake, why is Skarlett talking to your parents?" Blaise pointed out behind Draco and Draco turned around to see his future spouse talking with his parents. "I'm not sure, i will be right back." Draco replied then headed towards his parents to find out what was going on. "Mother, father, miss Skarlett what's going on?" Draco asked looking confused acting as though he didn't know what was going on but he in fact knew what was going on. "Well Draco, Miss Skarlett here was just making her interest known about our businesses and given us some ideas to look into in order to make our businesses more successful." Lucius said. "She was also telling us about your walk together through the mystical gardens and how she and her parents have chosen you to be her future spouse, she wanted to tell us beforehand so that we were in the loop and were not surprised when it gets announced to everyone else here." Narcissa continued and Draco looked at Skarlett and smiled. 

"Really, your parents are happy and ok with me being your choice." Draco said with a smile on his face. "Of course they are happy with my choice, they were secretly hoping i would pick you to be my future husband so it's a win win for everyone." Skarlett said smiling back at Draco. "Anyway i must be getting back to my parents so that they can make the announcement, thank you for the pleasant conversation Mr and Mrs Malfoy, i do hope that you look into what i suggested i truly believe it will help boost revenue for your companies, enjoy the rest of the party Mr and Mrs Malfoy... Draco..." Skarlett said curtsying then headed back over to her parents not before slyly looking at Draco then continued towards her parents. Draco stood there, watching his future wife walk back to her parents a little confused, dazed and in a bit of a trance but he was sound brought out of it by his father. 

"She's a very wonderful, smart and powerful young lady Draco, you should be honoured that they chose you over everyone else, you two will make a great couple together, she is a very bright and talented lady, look after her and treat her well." Lucius said speaking in a low tone so only Draco could hear. "Do this family proud because you along with Miss riddle, will be very powerful indeed and will show great and high stance with the pure-blooded community and also will show everyone not to mess with the Malfoy's." Lucius continued. "Of course father." Draco replied. 

Just as he and his father finished, the Riddle's - Charlena, Tomas and their daughter Skarlett stepped onto the stage that had been placed at the front of the ballroom. "Ladies and Gentleman, again thank you for coming and enjoying the holidays with us." Tomas said and looked at his wife then continued "We have announcement, not only did we invite you here to join us in the festivities but also to find Mine and Charlena's daughter Skarlett a future spouse." As her father mentioned her name and motioned to her, she came and stood by her parents. "And we are pleased to say that we have indeed found one for our daughter ... so without further ado we would like to welcome the newest member of our family ... Mr Draco Malfoy please come up onto the stage and stand by your future wife." Tomas said and Draco took that as his cue and came through the crowd and onto the stage and stood beside Skarlett and wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled at her and she smiled back. "Welcome to the family Draco, everyone raise your glasses to the happy couple - to Draco and Skarlett may your love blossom and grow strong." Charlena said welcoming Draco to their family whilst raising her glass and everyone else followed suit. The rest of the party carried on into the night and the new couple danced the night away. At around midnight, the guests began to leave and go home to their beds, they thanked their hosts and left. The only guests left were the Malfoys who had been kindly invited to stay for the night so that the newly formed couple to get to know each other better. 

To be continued in the next chapter of .... GPTSG. 


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