Chapter 13.3 - Party! Party! Party!

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*Time skip - skipping to a few days before the wedding* 

It's a few days until the big bay and Skarlett's friends and her mother were busy rushing around the manor, sorting out the bridal shower. They were running around prepping the food, drinks, decor, games, music and an area for gifts etc. Once everything was all prepped and sorted, it was time to party and Guests began to arrive and head to the garden where a gazebo was pitched up as this was where the party was being held. Once everyone had arrived, food was being served and drinks were flowing. Everyone was laughing, mingling and having fun. "Ok ... if i could have everyone's attention please..." Daphne yelled over the noise and everyone went silent. "Great so we are going to play the shoe with the future bride and groom but with a twist... so if i could have both Skarlett and Draco come up here and then we can play." Daphne continued as Skarlett and Draco made their way to where Daphne was and faced everyone. "Ok so we are going to do this a little differently... so Skarlett and Draco sit down here, back to back and take one of your partner's shoes in one hand and one of your shoes in the other and i'm going to ask your questions that were suggested by your guests like who has the better style? and you raise either your shoe or your partner's and we will see how many you disagree on to see how well you know one another." Daphne said explaining the rules and both of the them nodded and Luna kept tabs on what questions they disagreed on. "Ok let's get started." 

"Who's the better cook?" Daphne asked, Skarlett raised her shoe as did Draco. "ok, who's the better driver?" Daphne asked and Skarlett held her shoe up and Draco raised his. "Oh ok." Daphne said and luna noted that down. "next question - Who has more style?" Daphne said and Skarlett raised Draco's shoes and Draco also raised his shoe too. "Ok, who said i love you first?" Daphne asked and Skarlett raised her shoe and Draco raised his. "Ohhh, ok who is smarter?" and Skarlett raised her shoes and did Draco. "Who takes the longest to get ready?" Skarlett raised Draco's and Draco raised Skarlett's. "Who's more adventurous?" and both Skarlett and Draco raise Draco's shoe. "Who's messier?" and Skarlett raised Draco's shoes and Draco also raised his. "Who has the bigger closet?" Skarlett raised hers and Draco raised Skarlett's shoe too. "Who's the better dancer?" Skarlett raised Draco's as did Draco. "Who is more romantic?" and both of them raised their shoes. "Who's funnier?" Draco raised his as did Skarlett. "Who's more grumpy in the morning?" Draco raised his and Skarlett raised hers. "Who has better taste in music?" Skarlett raised her as did Draco. "Ok last question - who do love the most in the whole world?" Both Skarlett and Draco raised each other's shoes and everyone clapped. "Ok so you only disagreed on 5 questions out of 15 questions so well done." Daphne said tallying the scores. After the shoe game, everyone went back to eating, drinking and chatting with one another. A few hours later and the party began to wind down and guests began to leave and heading home whilst Skarlett, Draco and their parents and Skarlett and Draco's friends were busy cleaning up all the food and drinks. Once all the cleaning was done, Skarlett's bridal party stayed over and went to the other guest rooms within Skarlett's wing of the manor as did Draco's friends as it was late and the next day was going to be manic but fun so they needed their energy and plenty of rest. 

The next arrived and Skarlett and her friends were up, ready and were downstairs eating breakfast so they had enough energy for the day as it was going to be crazy busy. "Morning girls." Charlena said greeting Skarlett and her friends as she walked into the dining room and as she took her seat, her husband Tomas walked into the room and took his seat beside his wife. "Morning." They all replied.  Then Narcissa walked in followed by her husband Lucius who took a seat by his wife and then finally, their son Draco who took his seat by his soon to be wife and place a kiss on Skarlett's cheek as his greeting to her and Skarlett smiled. "Good morning." Skarlett said greeting her soon to be husband. "Morning angel." Draco replied as he began to fill up his plate and they all ate their breakfast in silence. Once the girls were finished, they went and grab a few magazines and books etc and headed outside into the garden to relax before they went out for a girls night later. 

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