Chapter 11.1 - Love is in the air

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Order is restored in the wizarding world, so all was well again thanks to the Malfoy's and the Riddle's. Business has been booming over the past few weeks and everyone has been busy working. The ladies has been busy planning their fashion show yet whilst the men have been working on new deals such as improvements to health services and more housing etc. 

At the Riddle residence, the ladies are enjoying some tea and some relaxing time away from the planning and the stress of their upcoming showcase, they had just finished finalising the clothes that they wanted to be in the showcase and also the models too and who was going to wear which outfit etc. All they needed to do now is got to the venue and set up the backstage area, catwalk, runway, the seating area along with everything else i.e. lighting, sound system and music etc.

Whilst the ladies were enjoying some quiet time, the men were enduring the complete opposite, they were up to their eyeballs with work on construction with their new project that they had been planning and working on but things kept being delayed and going wrong but eventually things sort themselves out. Other than issues with projects, Draco was still planning his big surprise for his future wife. He had it all planned out, he just had to find the right time to execute his plan but with everything going out lately, he hasn't been able to find the right time to act on his plans but he had an idea of what he was going to do to make it work. He just had to time it right, after he finished finalising the last few details of his surprise then he got back to work. 

Once work was all finished, he sat back and pondered on the thought of Skarlett becoming his wife and this made him smile and with that thought and feeling, he packed up for the day and began to head home to his family and future blushing bride to be. Once he arrived at the Malfoy Manor, he was welcomed to laughter and chatting in his ears. "Hello? Mother? I'm home." Draco yelled out as he took off his outer coat and hung it up on the coat stand by the front door. "We're in here my dear." Shouted his mother from the living room so he headed towards the living room where he saw his mother chatting away with his future mother in law and future bride. "Hello everyone, everything ok?" he asked his mother whilst giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek then greeted Skarlett's mother in the same way and then his bride to be in a similar fashion only this time he bowed down towards her and grabbed her left hand and kissed it then leaned up and sat beside Skarlett and kissed her left cheek, making her blush and smile.  

"Everything's ok my dear, planning is going well and nearly finished, just a few more little details to sort then all will be ready, anyway how was your day my sweet boy? any less stressful?" Narcissa asked as her son sat and relaxed by Skarlett. "Erm not really, just loose ends and issues to iron out but nothing i can't handle." Draco responded whilst relaxing a little for a long day. "Good i'm glad, i don't like to see my boy stressed, both you or your father for that matter." Narcissa replied whilst sipping her tea.

"Anyway, Charlena i was thinking maybe tomorrow we could go to the venue and take a look at it so we have figure out where we want things to be etc." Narcissa continued the previous conversation she was having with Skarlett's mother. "Sure, i would love that." Charlena replied. "Skarlett sweetie, would like to come along and help us with the venue tomorrow, we could use your input after all you are very good and skilled in the art of designing, arranging and decorating a room." Charlena continued, asking her daughter. "Sure mother, why not, it could be fun and it has been a while since i arranged and decorated a room." Skarlett replied. "Perfect, shall we say 10 o'clock." Narcissa said happily. "10 o'clock sounds great, Well we shall be off, see you tomorrow, come Skarlett." Charlena said standing up and saying goodbye to Narcissa with Skarlett in tow. "Yes see you tomorrow, bye." Narcissa said seeing her guests out. "Well, i will dish up dinner, Draco be a dear and tell your father that dinner's ready and also set the table up too thank you." Narcissa asked whilst walking towards to kitchen to finish up the last bit on dinner. "Sure mother." Draco replied as he walked towards his father's study. A few hours later and dinner was finished, Draco decided to go to his room and work more on his surprise for Skarlett. Eventually when he was satisfied, he went to bed and slept until the morning light. 

Until next time, stay tuned for GPTSG. 

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