Chapter 5.2 - The task

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Once they arrived back at Kings Cross station, Snape and Skarlett grabbed their things and left the Hogwarts Express and headed onto the platform. Once the coast was clear, they exited platform 9 3/4 onto the main platform and headed towards the exit towards 3 black range rovers with blacked out windows and re-enforced body work just in case of an ambush. Skarlett and Snape climbed into the middle car and then the cars set off to their destination - Riddle mansion. 

A few hours later and they had arrived, Snape and Skarlett out and headed inside

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A few hours later and they had arrived, Snape and Skarlett out and headed inside. Skarlett greeted her parents then went to her room to rest and freshen up after such a long journey. "Was the 3 fully blacked out and supped up and armoured cars really necessary My lord?" Snape said whilst bowing to show no signs of offending. "Yes Severus, my enemies are everywhere so i can never be too careful so i have to do everything in my means and power to protect my family and my followers plus i just got my daughter back and I WILL NOT LOSE HER AGAIN." Lord Voldemort replied a little annoyed that his best follower and the one person he trusted more was questioning him. "Right, i see and understand now, did not mean to offend you my lord, i just was unsure and did not know of the scale of the situation of Skarlett returning and also yourself my lord, my apologies forgive me." Snape replied still bowed showing respect for his Leader. "good, don't question my methods again Severus or you will find back at the bottom of my ranks ... got it?" Voldemort replied and Snape nodded, then rose to his feet after being told to. 

Meanwhile, Skarlett was getting ready for whatever her father wanted to talk to her about, once she was ready and presentable, she headed down to see why her father had summoned her home so urgently. She knocked on her father's study door and waited until he said she could enter and when he let her in, she took a seat on the loveseat situated in the room and looked at her father, waiting for him to tell her why she was home so soon. "You wanted to see me father." She said addressing her father in a respectful manner. "Yes i did Skarlett, i called you home because i have an important task for you more like a mission. I need you to gather information on potter and his weak little friends and the 'light side' as they call themselves and find out what they are up to and what they are planning, find out their weakness' and strengths. I also want you to start searching for new recruits and also help Draco fix the vanishing cabinet, will you do that for me please? and then finally we will have the upper hand on this so called light side." Her father replied smiling mischievously as his daughter nodded to his requests.  

"Of course father, yes i will do as you requested and i will get on it right away as soon as i am back at school and i will start looking straight away." Skarlett answered in response to her father's requests then she got up and went over to her father, gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug and then left to go and do some research and practice some dark magic that will help her with the mission she had just been given. This was her routine for the next few days - sleep, wake up, get ready, eat then practice and research then take a break then back to research and practice then eat dinner then more research then to bed to do it all over again the next day until she went back to school. 

Sorry for the short chapter 

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