Chapter 7.1 - Riddle's Annual Family Ball

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Here are the outfits for the Annual ball.

Green dress - Charlena, Silver grey dress 1- Skarlett, Dark green suit -Tomas and Grey suit -Draco

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Green dress - Charlena, Silver grey dress 1- Skarlett, Dark green suit -Tomas and Grey suit -Draco

Green dress - Charlena, Silver grey dress 1- Skarlett, Dark green suit -Tomas and Grey suit -Draco

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Skarlett's second dress and imagine Draco's suit without the jacket.

*No POV* Today was the family annual ball, only this year was going to be slightly different as it wasn't the usual family annual ball, it was also a ball to help their daughter pick out a suitable life partner. Skarlett would greet all the young male guests and spend a bit of time with each one to see who she had the best connection with. All of the parents know of what is to happen at this ball as they were pre-informed of what is about the happen at the ball but none of the young males knew so that it would be fair and completely honest and real and easier to find out if there was any connection, of course Skarlett already knew who she wanted to spend the rest of her life with but this was just to appease her parents and to confirm her strong inklings on how she feels about a certain young blonde-haired Malfoy. 

All week, the family were busy with preparations for the ball i.e. planning the decor, catering, guest list, outfits and arrange gifts for their guests as well as other things related to the ball. Once all the inside preparations were done, the family then moved to working on the outside preparations i.e. sorting out the flower bushes and hedges, the grounds etc. So Skarlett and her mother got work on sorting the flowers and hedges whilst Skarlett's father got work putting up the gazebo. 

Once the final preparations were done, it was time to get ready. "Come on darling, the guests will be arriving soon so let's get you ready." Charlena said to her daughter as she headed back inside to go upstairs and get dressed up for their guests. "Sure, coming mother." Skarlett following her mother to her room to get ready for the ball. All changed and freshened up, Charlena turned and looked at her daughter in awe. "You look beautiful my sweet angel is growing up, i will see you downstairs once you are finished." Charlena said hugging her daughter then leaving the room and heading downstairs to the main staircase to stand by her husband to greet their guests. Once their daughter was ready, she joined on the staircase to greet the arriving guests. 

All the invited guests started arriving and greeting their hosts before enter the grand ballroom where the ball was being held; the Parkinson's, the Nott's, the Goyles', the Crabbe's, the Lestranges', the Love-goods, the Greengrass', the Zabini's, the 3 weasley brothers - Fred, George and Charlie, Snape and the rest of the Dark lord's followers. The last to arrive fashionably late were the Malfoy's.  Mr and Mrs Malfoy along with their son Draco went up and greeted their hosts before heading into the ballroom. 

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