Chapter 13.1 - Wedding plans Part 1

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Once the engagement party was over, it was time to get to working on the plans for the actual wedding but where to start? the date of wedding maybe? 

"So have you thought of a date yet?" Narcissa asked both Draco and Skarlett, they looked at one another and just shrugged their shoulders. "Erm not really discussed it with everything else that was going on... but i was thinking of a spring wedding maybe under the blossom tree in the garden as that's my favourite place." Skarlett replied and suggested when and where to have the wedding. "Sounds perfect, when abouts?" Charlena asked. "We were thinking the beginning of April... say the 5th." Draco answered and Skarlett nodded in agreement loving the day Draco suggested. "Excellent... now that you have chosen a date, have you put any thought into who you want at your sides on your big day?" Narcissa inquired the both of them. "Yes." Both of them said in unison. "Ok... moving on to theme, any ideas?" Charlena prompted for an answer to get the plans in motion. "Well i was thinking light blue, light grey and purple." Skarlett suggested and Draco nodded liking her suggestion. "And i know that's not my usual colours and it's a little different from the norm but i want our wedding to have some brighter and lighter colours for a change." Skarlett continued and Draco nodded in agreement. "That's fine by me... as long as you're happy then i am happy." Draco replied kissing Skarlett's forehead to stop her from stressing. 

"Great.. onto the next point on the list - guest list... now do you want the same people on the list as the ones at your engagement party?" Narcissa asked and they both nodded. "Ok Skarlett this question is for you." and Skarlett nodded to say she was listening. "flowers? what style are you looking for?" Narcissa asked her so they could place orders in advance. "I was thinking the centre pieces maybe roses of the theme colours and then for my bridal party a mix of roses and sweet peas and cherry blossoms, the roses and sweet peas in the same colours as the theme and the cherry blossoms as they are in cherry pink colour as for my flowers i would like to kept that a secret from ..." Skarlett pausing to tilt her head towards Draco. "Ok i get it." Narcissa replied. 

"Ok, next... cake? what are you both looking for?" Charlena asked so that she could book a cake tasting. "Erm well we both love milk chocolate, strawberries, raspberries, caramel and cookies and creme so either one of those flavours in our cake would be great."Draco replied and Charlena nodded noting Draco's answers down in her note pad to pass on to the cake bakers. "Right, invite designs... what were you thinking ... maybe the colours of the theme like a white background with blue and purple on it in some way or something else." Charlena suggested. "Well we were thinking that hints to where the wedding will be held ... so a white background with a design of a cherry blossom tree or branch on it with the words 'you are cordially invited to our wedding' obviously our names will be on it and then with the date, time and place so that it ties in with invite so that the guests get that the invite and wedding tie together i.e with the timing and season of the wedding if that makes sense." Draco said with an explanation of their ideas. 

"Now photographer/videographer?" Narcissa inquired. "Both." Skarlett said quickly. "Ok, Music/entertainment." Charlena asked. "Same as the engagement party except different bands like maroon 5 and singers Taylor swift and Selena Gomez and then we will just create a music playlist and make wedding party games." Draco replied. "Food?" both mothers asked. "Same chef and staff as the engagement party." Skarlett answered. "Ok so wedding attire." Narcissa asked. "Well i would like to look at bridesmaid dresses first in the theme colours then look for my dress after." Skarlett said. "Draco?" Narcissa asked her son. "I can look at suits with Dad and Skarlett's dad and some of my groomsmen soon." He replied and Narcissa nodded. "Ok Officiant." And both Skarlett and Draco said the minister of magic Pius Thicknesse. "ok next onto transport, now because the wedding is here, i was thinking Skarlett maybe you could sleep at Malfoy manor the day before the wedding in Draco's room and Draco you stay here in your guest room as to keep to tradition of no seeing the bride until the wedding day." Charlena suggested and they both agreed. 

*Time skip* 

After a long day of planning, both Skarlett and Draco had something to eat then went to sleep early as they had a big day ahead of them. The next morning and the day of asking their friends to be apart of their wedding parties. Skarlett got up and did her daily morning routine then grabbed her gifts, messaged her friends to meet her at their favourite restaurant for breakfast, grabbed her bag and headed downstairs to let her parents know that she was heading out to meet her friends. Once she had let her parents know that she was going out, she got into her car and drove to the restaurant a few minutes away from the manor. Once she had arrived, she parked up, got the gifts and headed inside the restaurant where Pansy, Daphne and her sister Astoria, Penelope, Angelina, Fleur and her sister Gabrielle and Luna were waiting for her. 

"Hi." Skarlett said hugging everyone of them and then sat down and ordered her drink and food. "So i asked you all here to give you these." Skarlett said as she handed everyone their gifts. "Well go ahead... open them." Skarlett continued as she watched them open their boxes, read their notes and see the little gifts inside and read the bottles in shocked. "aww Skarlett... of course we will be apart of your day.." They all said in unison then they called a waiter over and asked for some champagne glasses and cracked open one of the bottles to celebrate and they laughed and discussed bachelorette party plans, dresses etc. Then they parted ways and headed to their homes. "I am back home." Skarlett said. "Ok dear." Charlena said from the living room so Skarlett headed towards where her mother was and sat down on the sofa to watch her mother paint. "Where's Draco?" Skarlett asked. "He's out with the boys, probably asking them to be his groomsmen." Charlena replied busy painting away. "Oh ok just wondered." Skarlett replied as she relaxed a little more as she watched her mother paint. 

A few hours later and Draco returned just in time for dinner, the families sat and ate dinner then played some games, did a little bit more planning of the wedding and then went to bed as they had big days ahead of them. They were going to need good night sleeps if they were going to get this wedding planning sorted out. 

sorry for the short chapter.. damn writer's block such a pain in the butt. stay tuned for more 

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