Chapter 10:1 - Skarlett's recovery

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Previously on GPTSG: Once Potter was dead, Skarlett breathed a sigh of relief and there was a loud cheer going on in front of her as she made her way back to her unsteadily on her feet, it seems that killing Potter had taken a lot more energy and power than she first thought originally. Just as she neared her father, she collapsed and fell unconscious due to lack of energy this caused her father and Draco to freak out. "SKARLETT." They both rush over to her and Draco catches her before she hits the ground, picks her up and get her back to the manor to get her checked over.

Present day: 

Once back at the manor, Draco took his love to her room and gently placed her on the bed and transfigured her clothes to pj's then left to get her a glass of water and something sweet to eat to boost her energy levels - her favourite sweet thing to eat - a chocolate and strawberry cake, only the best for his angel. Then took a seat next to her bed and waited for her to wake up but not before casting a spell on the cake to keep it warm. It seems the battle and seeing his love collapse in front of him had taken a toll on him so much so that he fell asleep in the chair he was sitting in. 

A few days later, Skarlett woke up to find herself in her room at her family home. She slowly turned her head slightly and sees Draco asleep in a chair by her bedside so she sits up and carefully leans over to him and brushes a piece of hair out of his face, this in turn wakes him up. "Morning, sorry i woke you up." Skarlett whispered and smiled. "Morning my angel, don't be sorry." Draco replied whilst hugging her then kissed her forehead and smiled back at his one true love. "So how are you feeling? you gave us quite a scare back on the battlefield." He said whilst carefully sits on the bed. "i feel good, sorry for scaring you, i guess i just used too much energy and was overwhelmed... it was like Potter's magic was fighting against mine like what happened with my father the first time as least this time Potter lost... Anyway how is my dad? is he freaking out?" Skarlett asked. "He is freaking out a little but that's understandable i mean you pretty much keeled over in front of us and have been out for a few days angel." Draco replied and Skarlett looked at him with a 'you serious' look. 

"What... i was out for 3 days, oh no wonder he is freaking." Skarlett said then out of the corner of her eye, she saw a glass of water and her favourite cake and looked over at Draco "is that chocolate strawberry cake?" she asked with joy in her voice and Draco just chuckled and nodded then got up from where he was sitting and past both the glass of water and cake to her, then returned to his seat and watched her polish of the cake and water and he just shook his head and smiled at her. "What's so funny?" Skarlett asked him. "Nothing, just seeing your inner child come out at a piece of cake." He replied to his love then suggested "Why don't you get freshened up after you have finished your cake and drink, then we will go and see yours and my parents to show them that you are all better, how does that sound?" he asked nodding his head towards her waiting for an answer to which she nodded as she still have cake in her mouth to which he just laughed at. "Ok, when you are done with your cake, get freshened up then we will head downstairs." He said and Skarlett just nodded and then finished her cake and then headed to her bathroom, grabbed her clothes and get sorted and dressed then headed back out to Draco who was patiently waiting for her and took his hand and headed downstairs to the family room. 

"Hey Family." Skarlett said as Draco led her into the room. "Hey sweetie, how are you?" Her mother asked her as she pulled her daughter in for a hug, glad that her daughter was ok and looking better than she did after the battle. She gave her husband a right good lecture about it. "I'm good mom, all better now ... where's dad?" Skarlett replied then asked about her father as she moved on to hug Draco's parents Narcissa and Lucius "He is in his office." Her mother replied to which Skarlett said " i will be right back." And she left the room not before letting go over Draco's parents to go and see her father, as she got to his office, she knocked on the door and waited and as if her father could sense she was there, his voice on the other side of the door said "come in." And so she walked in and said "Hi dad." He looked up and saw his precious ladybird standing before him up, about and well, he rushed over to her and hugged her tight. " Ohhh hi my sweetheart... i thought i lost you, don't you ever scare me like that again ... your mother gave me a ear full." he said holding his daughter close to him. "And rightfully so." His wife said glaring at him and both father and daughter looked at each other and laughed. "Don't worry dad, i will try my best not to scare any of you like that again." Skarlett replied, then the trio (Skarlett and her parents) left the office and headed back to the family room where they spent the rest of the day together as a family - both the Riddles and the Malfoys. 

Sorry for the long delay in updating, have been really busy with work etc. but here is the next chapter ... enjoy.  

I need help coming up with a new company name for the next part of the story where Narcissa, Skarlett and Skarlett's mum team up together and create a store that sells clothes, make up, jewellery, skin care, perfume and hair care products etc. Here is what i have so far: 

Pandora's box, Serenity, Spellbound, Essence d'amour, SCM couture, Mirror Mirror, Deluxe Beauty. Comment below what one you like the best. 

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