Chapter 6.2 - Initiation night part 2

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Winter break had arrived and students are beginning to prep their things, ready to travel home for the holidays - including Blaise, Theo, Greg, Goyle, Pansy, Astoria, Daphne, Luna, Draco and Skarlett. On the train within the Slytherin compartment, the group of friends gathered together to discuss what was going to happen over the next few weeks i.e. plans for when they return to Hogwarts and what to do about the so called 'light side'. 

A few hours later and they arrived at Kings Cross Station. Once the Hogwarts express pulled into the station platform, they grab their belongings, left the train and headed onto the platform. They said goodbye to one another and went their separate ways as not to raise any suspicions. As Skarlett headed for the exit, she saw the her dad's security detail - 3 new full armoured cars ones police or FBI used.

 As Skarlett headed for the exit, she saw the her dad's security detail - 3 new full armoured cars ones police or FBI used

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She walked over to the middle car, gets in and the cars drove away towards her home. Moments later they arrived at the manor, she got out and headed inside to greet her family then head up to her room to rest from the long journey whilst their family's servants grabbed the young riddle's belongings. A few hours later and it was time for dinner, so she freshened up then headed down to eat. Once dinner was over, it was time for the all important meeting so the family headed to the drawing room and waited for the others. 

Soon enough the others arrive - Malfoys', Zabini's, Nott's, Goyles', Crabbes', Lovegood's, Parkinsons', Greengrass' and the 3 weasley brothers along with Snape and the other death eaters and the meeting began. "Now you all must be wondering why i called you all here, to start i would like to welcome our new death eaters, come forward and receive the mark." The dark lord said and the 3 weasley brothers stepped up and took the mark along with Skarlett. Once the 4 of them had got their marks, the meeting continued on to the main purpose of why they were there. 

"So based on what i heard from my daughter, the one running the whole 'show' if you like is Dumbledore so here is what we will do - Draco and Skarlett, you two will work on fixing the vanishing cabinet that is in the room of requirements that is linked to its sister cabinet in Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley, you 3 weasley brothers - keep a low profile and keep on spying on the light side and feedback on what they are planning but be subtle about it. When the cabinet is finished that is when we will strike - we will get rid of the headmaster by doing this, it will weaken them and throw them off guard and that is when we will attack, when they have their guards down and unprepared for a fight and besides it will be easy to take out the old man Dumbledore, from what i hear he is dying anyway due to the curse placed on my Great grandmother's ring that he touched a few years back but is only starting to show signs of the curse now so he will be pretty weak and defenseless by the time we strike." The dark lord explained. "I also plan to infiltrate and take over the ministry that way we will have complete control of the rules and what goes on in the wizarding world." He continued and everyone agreed. 

After a few more minutes of discussing plans that would be happening over the next few months to come, the meeting ended and everyone returned to their home discreetly without raise suspicions and the Riddle family went to bed. The next morning, Skarlett and her father were in the study coming up with a faultless plan on how to infiltrate and take over the ministry without raising alarm bells. By lunch-time, they had mapped and ironed out all the details of the plan so that nothing would go wrong and were very pleased with themselves. Once lunchtime was over, they move on to planning their annual family ball. They planned out all the catering from the food, to drinks, to the decor all the way down to the guest list, once all that was sorted out and planned out, Skarlett and her mother went out shopping for supplies to create the invitations for their family ball. 

Back home after getting the supplies for the invitations, they began making them and sending them off to those that were on the guest list but being discreet with Fred's, George's and Charlie's invitations due to who they were related to and also with everything else that was going on. Once the invites were done and all sent out, their favourite stylist and designer came to see them for their fittings for the ball. 

stay tuned for more of Gryffindor Princess turns Slytherin Goddess 

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