Chapter 12.2 - Draco and Skarlett's Engagement Part 1

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A couple days passed by and the party planning was in full swing. The venue, theme, decor, outfits and the waiting staff had all been finalised. All that was left to sort out was the catering/ drinks, music/entertainment and then the guest list which was proving to be more difficult and stressful to deal with. Skarlett, Narcissa and Charlena were in the large living room with their planning, mood boards, clipboards etc for the party spread out nearly everywhere and they were already figuratively pulling their hair out with the stress of this event. "Ok so let's talk entertainment and music, what would like as entertainment and music at your party?" Narcissa asked Skarlett who looked like she needed a break from planning, she responded with a shrug of her shoulders then replied "I don't know... my brain is just mush... i can't think straight." Skarlett slummed back in her seat on the sofa frustrated with this planning and Narcissa sighed heavily just as Draco walked in and sat down Skarlett and put his arm around her.

 "What's wrong angel?" He asked Skarlett brushing a piece of hair out of her face. "I'm just stressed out ... i can't think of what to have as entertainment or music for our party ... can i 'pick' your brain for some input on what to do?" Skarlett asked pleading with her fiance by looking up at him with ' puppy dog ' eyes and pouty lips which caused Draco to laugh a little then gently pecked Skarlett on the lips. "Of course you can ... let me see what you have got so far.." Draco replied then took a look at everything. "Umm ok, how about we create some fun and cool 'engagement' games to play at the party then hire a few bands to play and a DJ too so when the bands have gone then we still have music to play." He continued smiling down at Skarlett's reaction. "See why couldn't i think of that .... maybe  because my brain is mush and overworked, where would i be without you." Skarlett replied a little less stressed that another part of the party was dealt with. "Thank you." She continued then placed a kiss of Draco's lips and smiled. "I don't know where you would be without me ... lost maybe? what can i say i'm just a genius i guess ... you're welcome, you know i am always her to help out if you need it ok?" Draco replied then return the kiss on Skarlett's lip and both Narcissa and Charlena looked on in awe of their children's interactions with one another. 

"Anyway i better get going." Draco continued whilst standing up from his seat. "Wait... where are you going?" Skarlett asked grabbing Draco's hand stopping him from leaving. " Out into town with my father to get a few things... i won't be long, i will be back before you know it." Draco answered whilst Skarlett's hand then placed another kiss on her lips then one on her forehead before walking out of the living room to meet his father in the foyer. "Ok see you later." Skarlett replied as Draco left. "Ok let's take a break ... some tea and cake?" Narcissa offered to which Skarlett nodded in agreement and relaxed a little more into her seat. After a little break to let their minds rest from the planning, they got right back to it by researching bands and DJ's for the entertainment/music and they narrowed it down to 4 bands and 2 DJ's, the bands are: You me@six, Lacey Sturm, Panic@The Disco and Paramore. Then the 2 DJ's are: Martin Garrix and David Guetta. Meanwhile with Draco and his father, they were busy shopping for rings and gifts for Skarlett, his new in laws and few other guests too. They walked into a small and unique little family ring business to pick up Skarlett's wedding ring he had designed and created for her. 

"Hello gentlemen, how can i help you." The shopkeeper asked greeting them with a handshake. "We're here to pick up an order i placed last week, i got a message to say it was ready ... the name's Draco Malfoy." Draco responded. "Oh yes i will just go and get it for you, i'll be right back in a tic." The shopkeeper said as he headed into the back of the shop to fetch Draco's order. A few minutes, the shopkeeper returned with the order. "Here we are, is it to your liking sir." The shopkeeper asking showing the ring. "It's perfect, you got it perfect thank you." Draco said taking the ring and placing it back its box then shook the shopkeeper's hand then began leaving the shop with the ring. "You're welcome, it was a pleasure making such a beautiful and unique ring." The shopkeeper replied as Draco and his father left the shop. 

Once they left the ring shop, they continued on their list of errands to do until they had completed the list. "So we got the ring and the gifts, our suits including Tom's and the surprise dresses for our ladies and Skarlett's mother etc. what's next." Lucius asked his son, so Draco checked the list and saw they had completed the list. "We've got everything ... we 're done so let's head back to the riddle manor." Draco replied and Lucius nodded in agreement and they both back to head back to Skarlett's house. Once they returned from town, Draco entered the manor's foyer and rushed upstairs with the things he bought and headed to his guest room and began sorting out the gifts for his in laws and also his groomsmen and best man. Once he was finished with sorting the gifts out, he headed back downstairs and into the living room to help out Skarlett with the rest of the planning. 

"Hey, you're back." Skarlett said standing up to give Draco a hug and then retook her seat. "See i told you i would be back before you knew it..." Draco replied hugging Skarlett back then sat down next to her as she retook her seat. "So what's left on the agenda of planning?" Draco asked as he examine the list of things for the party that Skarlett created. "Catering/Drinks are next on the list to do... i was thinking like buffet style food so that people can help themselves whenever and how ever many times they like... both hot and cold food like mini sausages, sausage rolls, burgers, pizza, chicken, salad, sandwiches, crisps, chocolates and cakes etc. and then like a bar for all kinds of drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic and soft drinks too... what do you think?" Skarlett asked looking at Draco for a reaction and opinion. "I think that's a great idea... we could hire a chef, catering staff and waiting staff to serve the drinks to our guests." Draco said.  "Yes that would be great." Skarlett replied agreeing with Draco's suggestion and Skarlett's parents were already working on getting someone to cater the event. 

"Ok next on the list?" Draco questioned whilst taking another look at the list again before turning his head to look at his fiancee. "The guest list is the final thing on the agenda which is proving to be so stressful that i left it to last as my brain just hurt thinking about it." Skarlett answered Draco's question before grabbing a pen and her pad to write out the list of guests they both want as their party. "Ok well there's you, me, our parents, grandparents, great grandparents, our cousins, my aunt Bellatrix and her husband Rodolphus Lestrange and his brother Rabastan, then there's my other aunt Andromeda and her daughter Nymphadora and her husband Remus lupin and their son Teddy, my uncle Sirius, Professor Snape and then your father's followers: The Weasley twins: Fred and George with their girlfriends: Daphne Greengrass and Angelina Johnson and then their brother Charlie and his girlfriend Penelope Clearwater, then their other brother and wife: Bill and Fleur and Fleur's little sister Gabrielle then there's Luna Lovegood and her father, the Patil twins, Angelina Johnson, Dean Thomas, Oliver Wood then the rest of the Greengrass family, the Zabini family, the Parkinson family: Pansy and her parents, Crabbe's family, Theo's family, the Carrows, the Flints, Dolohov, Rookwood, Macnair, Yaxley, Scabior and then finally the Minister of magic Pius Thicknesse... is that everyone? did i miss anyone?" Draco said listing off a bunch of names as Skarlett wrote them done. 

"Nope i think you got them all." Skarlett said checking the list of names to make sure they got everyone. "Yep that's everyone accounted for... we are done finally ... thank merlin for that." Skarlett continued as she relaxed a little more knowing that the planning was done for now. "Right well i am going to lie down for a bit as i wiped out from all the planning... wake me up when dinner's ready." Skarlett said tiredly and got up to go to her room to rest. "Will do angel... go rest and i will come and wake you when dinner's ready... love you." Draco replied. "Ummm hmmm love you too." Skarlett replied mumbling. A few hours later, dinner was ready so Draco went to wake Skarlett and they headed to the dining room to eat and then both family stayed up, chatted, played some games and watched some movies then went to bed as they had a busy next few days ahead of them. 

Stay tuned !!!! please comment on what you thought or any ideas on how i should get Draco and Skarlett to ask their friends to be apart of their bridal and grooms parties for the wedding.  

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