Chapter 9.1 - Back to Hogwarts/First death-eater attack

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The next morning, Skarlett was busy finishing off her last minute packing then headed downstairs to say goodbye before heading back to Hogwarts with Draco. She walked into the sitting room and saw everyone there; Draco, Narcissa and Lucius and her parents. "Well it's that time again." Skarlett said as she entered the living room and everyone turned round to see her come int the room. "Goodbye my precious angel, be safe and remember be ready when the time comes." Tomas said as he walked over to her and gave her a hug and she returned the hug and nodded at her father's advice and request, then went over and hugged her in laws first before going over to hug her mother as she knew her mother would hug her the longest and not let her go. 

As Skarlett said goodbye, Draco did the same and his mother acted the same as Skarlett's mom. Eventually both mothers let go of their children and said "Come on you better get going or you will be late, stay safe, look after each other and stay out of trouble, love you both." And with that advice, Draco and Skarlett left for Kings cross station to get on the Hogwarts Express to get them to Hogwarts. A few hours later after whizzing through the vast countryside, they arrived back at Hogwarts and headed straight to their common room to chill out and relax for a bit before they had to go to the Great Hall for dinner. A little while later, they decided to have dinner in their common room, so Draco headed down to the Kitchens and brought back their food - Shepherd's pie with carrots, peas and Gravy, then for desserts - fruit salad - grapes, raspberries, Blackberries, strawberries, pineapple, apples etc. with either whipped cream or normal cream and some hot chocolate sauce or hot fudge sauce. 

Once they finished dinner, they relaxed back into one another and Skarlett grabbed one of her favourite books from her trunk and settled down, cuddled up with Draco on the sofa in front of the fire. A little while later and Skarlett had drifted off to sleep, so Draco lifted her up and took her to her room and with magic, changed her clothes to pj's then put her in her bed and tucked her in then headed to his room, got changed and fell asleep from exhaustion, dreaming of his dark angel as they had a long week ahead of them. 

A few weeks past by and classes were in full swing and no one was none the wiser as to what was going to happen. Once classes were over and dinner was finished with, Draco and Skarlett went to the edge of the forbidden forest to met Skarlett's father. "Be ready, my daughter, be ready for the day that we attack and take back what is rightfully ours, i will send you a signal when it is time to take our their biggest player ok ... now go before anyone gets suspicious." Tomas said before hugging his daughter goodbye. " Of course father." Skarlett replied hugging her father back before heading back to the castle and back to her dorm room to sleep until morning. 

*Time skips*

A few days later, Skarlett and Draco were finishing up last minute repairs on the vanishing cabinet so that nothing went wrong. Just as they finished up and parted ways - Draco staying in the room and requirements and Skarlett going to the astronomy tower, when they both got a familiar burning sensation ... it was time. So Skarlett waited for Dumbledore to return with Potter from where they had been and strike, whilst Draco let the other Death eaters into the castle via Vanishing cabinet. Just on time, Dumbledore and Harry returned from their trip and Potter says that he needs to take him to the hospital wing to madam Pomfrey but Dumbledore insists that he needs Snape and only Snape, he tells Potter to wake Snape up and tell him what happened and to talk to no one else. Just as Harry is leaving, Dumbledore hears movement so he tells Potter to hide below the floorboards of the astronomy tower and to not be seen or heard from anyone with his permission  and tell him that whatever happens to him that it is imperative that he stay hidden, so Potter does what the headmaster asks and hides on the lower floor of the astronomy tower before whoever is coming sees him. 

After Potter hides away, Skarlett steps out from her spot pointing her wand at the headmaster. "Good evening Hermione, what brings you here on this.. fine spring evening." Dumbledore said as Skarlett came closer to the headmaster with wand still out in front of her. "first that's not my name and second who else is here? i heard you talking." She said angrily at the headmaster for saying that filthy mud blood name he gave her. "i often talk out loud to myself, i often find it extra-ordinarily useful, have you been whispering to yourself Hermione ... Hermione you are no Assassin." He said again using the wrong name which angered Skarlett even more. 

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