The beginning

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Before I could even get off the bull- head a blond kid known as vomit boy come sprinting out to find the nearest trash can all I could do is laugh and keep walking. As i look up I see the shining stone of vale...Beacon it was way bigger then I ever imagend not knowing where I was going I just followed the people in front of me. Examining there weapons I can tell that they are going all out, i see large swords, battle axes a tiny girl with a huuuge syth all makeshift to turn into something else. *BOOM* I hear coming from behind.


i sprit over to make sure everything was all right.i then see a girl in pure white screaming at a girl in black on the ground in what looks like a crator?? I step in before someone gets throw off the ledge

(Y:N) - whoa whoa ladies what's going on here

(???) - Th-this dolt just almost killed me!!

(Girl in red and black) - I said i was sorry!!!

(Girl in white)- ugh do know who I am??

(In head)-spoild rotten

A girl in black walks up with a fire dust crystal in her hand

(Girl in black) your Wiess schnee heiress to the schnee dust company

(Wiess)-thank you!.. finally get some recognition her-

(Girl in black) the same dust company with controversial labor forces and questionable business partners

(Weiss) what how dare- th- da- AHH

she storms off. I then just start to laugh and whipe a tear off my eye.

(Y:N)- Are you ok red?

(Girl in red)- yeah im good thak you my name is ruby,ruby rose.

(Y:N) nice to meet you Ruby Rose

*Bows like a waiter sarcastically*

(Y:N)- names (Y:N)(L:N)

(Ruby) well (Y:N) would you like to be friends with me.

I look back to where Weiss was standimg.

(Y:N) well since your 0 for 1 on friends why not.

She proceeds to punch me in the arm.


(Ruby) oh and whats your na-

Turning back to see the girl on black walk off

(Ruby) darn

(Y:N) Well I see ya later ruby.

(Ruby) see ya

I proceed to walk into the main hall where ozpin is about to make his speach

(Ozpin finishes very weird speech)

We all make our way to the place where we are all going to sleep tonight. I got to the rest room to Chang into some pajamas and find a locker to store my weapons and gear in and find a nice corner to sleep in. As I'm about to doze of I hear

(Multiple voices) OH NO IT'S YOU

I quickly open my eyes to see that girl Ruby and Wiess right next to each other and Weiss looking VERY angry

(Y:N) oh this aughta be good

I get up and start to walk in there direction when i bump into someone coming around the corner.

(???) Ah my bad man are you o- (Y-Y:N!!)

You look up to see a old familiar face reaching his hand out

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