Nothing Can Go Wrong...Right?

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The elevator door slides open. All of the adults in the room wait patiently for me and ruby to walk in

(Y:N) you didnt have to press all of the buttons!!!!

(Ruby) AH!! SORRY!! They where to tempting....

We get up to Ozpins desk where goodwitch and ironwood are standing around.

(Y:N) sorry we are late headmaster...somethings are just too tempting...I guess

I look over and scowl ruby.she of course gives a innocent smile back.

(Ozpin) its are you two feeling?

(Ruby) well I would feel better if my bad guy catching wasn't 0 for 3

They all just look at her in silence.

(Ruby) ok guess we are not going for that tone....

(Ironwood) i first want to say how admirable you both two took the initiative and took action with out thinking.

(Y:N) thank you general.

Glynda walks forward and speaks up

(Glynda) can any of you tell anything about the perpatrator??,weapons, sembalence? Did they say anything?

(Y:n) well when i was in combat with her she used glass weapons, pulled them out of thin air

(Ruby) and when she attacked her dress would glow.

(Glynda) hm. That sounds like the girl i fought with the night i met ruby.

(Ruby) do you think shes tied in with torchwick and the white fang?

Ozpin takes a sip of his drink and looks at me and only me...

(Ozpin) possibly....

In my head I can already tell hes going to put S.O.U1 on a mission....

(Ruby) oh and I do remember her talking something about in the Southeast...

I mentally face palm....

(Ozpin) thank you miss rose and mister (l:n) now, Go get ready for your first mission miss rose.

(Ruby) of cousre headmaster.

She turns around and heads to the elavator. I stay back and talk to ozpin

(Y:n) let me guess...get my team and head southeast?

(Ozpin) something like that...ill meet you in the auditorium get your team ready.

I nod my head and meet ruby in the elevator and head down to our dorms


As I walk by ruby opening her door I can feel a rush of people run to her

(Yang) what happend!!!

I keep walking and open my door. I walk in and see the most surprising sight ever. Ven and noir sleeping...

I shove them both awake and have them get ready.

(Ven) oh hey (Y:N) heard you had a seconde date if you know what I mean....

(Noir) what happend?

(Y:N) oh you know...getting into a firefight in CCTV tower. Getting shot at, the usual. You guys get ready its "first mission day"

(Noir) yeah more like-


(Ven) was that a dog?

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