Almost normal

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Its been a couple weeks since Xanders betrayal.The new semester is here and it still feels different with out him, we wake up expecting him there, but we remember what happend each time. Out of all of us Ruby has taken it the hardest, but nothing can hold her spirit down. Every now and then she goes to noir for comfort and crys on his sholder. I can't imagen what its like for her. Its hard not telling her what exactly what happened. If we did her she would be crying for nothing.

On the brighter side me and yang are actually a thing...we've been going on usual dates every weekend, I always feel twenty times better when im with her. Weiss is acting like the parent and making sure i have her back in her dorm by 10 p.m sharp....

I put my journal away and head out of my dorm. I make my way twords the cafeteria feeling like im about to die from starvation. I meet noir and ven on the way and we keep walking.

(Ven) I heard yang and Weiss are planning out the dance

(Y:N) i though team CVFY was doing that??

(Ven) i guess their mission is going on longer then expected, Ozpin was contplaining sending us to assist

(Noir) would be nice to get out for a bit and kill some grimm

(Y:N) ill let the headmaster know we will be willing to assist, but first lets get somthing to eat.

We get to the corridor connecting to the cafeteria. We are almost there when a stampeed of kids coming running out. We all move out of the way trying not to be stomped to the ground

(Ven) what the hell is going on??

I shove my way through the crowd of people and open the door...

We see tables stacked all on top of another with team JNPR all standing on top of it.


(Noir) food fight...

We see team RWBY gather up of the opposite end of the lunch room.

(Ruby) justice will be swift!!! Justice will be painfull!! IT WILL BE DELICIOUS!!!

Then war breaks out. Food flying every where...Blake and pyrrha fighting each other with bread sticks.

(Noir)Its like the civil war all over again...

(Ven) do we join?

(Y:N) i dont know ask that watermelon....

(Ven) watermelon?


He gets nailed in the face with a projectile watermelon and gets thrown back down the hall.

(Noir) im taking that as a yes..

Me and noir both run into the war zone and join the fun. I run over and grab a long bread stick and sprint twords jaune poor kid didn't see it coming. I slap him across the face with the bread and keep running and look around to see Weiss with a swordfish?

A full turkey comes flying twords me, i slide to the ground dodging it. I get up and look at my attacker....

(Yang) well well well..... Look who joined the party

(Y:N) wow my own girlfriend trying to turkey me....shame I just might have to teach you a lesson...

(Yang)oooo scary..

She charges me with another turkey in her hand and jumps in the air. She brings her turkey coverd hand down twords my head. I throw my bread stick at her knocking her out of balance mid air. I run and jump up tackaling her to the ground. I land on top of her by accident and my hands land on her wrists. She smirks and looks at me...

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