An Upgrade...kind of

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I jump from restaurant to restaurant on my scroll looking for a place to have dinner with yang with no luck.

Noir at his desk throws his pencil down and spins around on his chair

(Noir) you still haven't found a place?

(Y:N) no!! They are either booked or to damn spendy

(Noir) did you at least find a movie?

I throw my scroll down onto my bed and scrumige through my dresser for something to wear

(Y:N) yeah she wants to go see this new action movie but she said she did not care where we eat

(Noir) you do know who your taking out right?

(Y:N) what do you mean?

(Noir) you are taking Yang Xio Long on a date.....killer of grimm and bully of bad is the obvious choice

I stop throwing out cloths out of my dresser and snap

(Y:N) PERFECT! Noir you sexy bastard! I know a good pizza joint by the docks not to far from the theatre

(Noir) I know im just that good...

(Y:N) ugh I cant find any clothes my combat clothes are all messed up after the crash. I guess i am going to have to go to the store

I just put on a tee shirt and some jeans and and hoodie and grab my busted gear

(Noir) oh wait a minute..

He gets up and walks over to his bed and pulls out a small sack and tosses it to me

(Noir) some lien from the VPD as a thank you for that fist mission, i hid it from ven and Xander for you... Oh and give me your weapons...

I look at him with a raised eye brow and a stern look

(Y:N) what for?

He pulls out a tool box an puts it on his desk

(Noir) upgrades... I want to get some extra credit from professor port and I would rather not have you die from a broken weapon. And I dont want xander to lead me and ven against grimm...

I look at my damaged sword one last time and toss it to noir.

(Noir) and your gun...

(Y:N)Really...i need something for protection!

(Noir) just take my sword im not going anywhere today. i should have yours done by tonight, i already have a blueprint for an idea

I roll my eyes and reluctantly take it out of my holster and toss it to him

He goes to his bed and picks up his sword with his cover on it and hands it to me.

(Y:N) a bit heavy dont you think...

I struggle to hold it up with one hand almost dropping it.

(Noir) thats the point of a long sword offence is a best defence. And to make it easier on you,here.

He walks over and looks at the handle,he pulls a small lever on the side of it. The sword shrinks down and separates into two small daggers

(Y:N) whoa...and if I need the sword part?

(Noir) just slam them together

(Y:N) sweet...did you wanna come?

I put the two daggers in the sides of my pants and put my throwing knife belt on.

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