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They begin to start fighting one on one, with only hate for one another. My eyes are to heavy to hold up. i use what strength i have to crawl my self to hikari. I pick it and switch it to my pistol, this also feeling heavy.

============Ven Pov===========

I cant believe this. Xander. Trying to kill his best friend, parts of me just want to wake up, like its a bad dream but other parts....want him dead

While i am fighting I notice the other guy running up to me. I activate my sembalance and go on the defense. they are quick but not as quick as me.
As they both try to strike me I'm able to deflect them so fast they don't even know it.

I keep backing up further from (y:n) so the don't feel like finishing him off

(Ven on com) noir now!! get him out of here!

I see noir jump down from the cat walk and go and tend to (y:n)

Ive been useing my sembalance to much so i deactivate it. Xander tries to swing for my legs. I jump onto it holding the bottom end of my spear and swing it down twords his head, the tip of the spear hiting his mask and cracking it in half.  The spear came down even further it sliceing  xanders eye.

(Xander) AHHHHHGH!!!

(Adam) brother!!

The other one sprints up to me and drop kicks me sending me back and landing next to noir and (y:n)

When i get to my feet I look up to see xander being carried away with that one fuanus. As they round the corner a bullhead lands in front of them. The door slides open an entire squad of white fang run out and make their way twords us.

(Noir) damn... there are to many!!! We can't get pass

I run over and help noir drag (Y:N) behind some sement blocks to keep him in cover. I pull up my scroll and call Ozpin.

(Ozpin) ah Mr-

(Ven) OZ! We are in need of immediate support!!!....... We have one huntsman in critical condition and one has gone rogue!

(Ozpin) I have a team of students on their way to a mission close by redirecting them now, ETA 2 minuets

Bullets start raining our direction hitting all around us. I switch to my rifle firing as much bullets i can to pin them down.

(Noir) whats the plan!!

(Ven) we got a team huntsman on there way.....*Blam, Blam, Blam* we just need to last two minutes!

Noir walks over to (y:n) and grabs his pistol

(Noir) sorry bud need this....

He peaks the corner firing a couple of rounds. The white fang begin to take thier own positions staying far away from us knowing they have the range advantage.

I crawl my way back over to (y:n) to check on him. I pull out some gauz and wrap it arond his torso to try and stop the bleeding. Bullets are still raining down at us, i can tell the cover in front if us is dwindling away.

(Nior) ugh... Im out!

I check through (y:n) pockets looking for more ammo, i finally find one speed loader clip in his chest pockets and toss it to Nior.

(Ven) you got one more after that!

I pick up my rifle and head back into my cover, i try to peak out to see where they are at but bullets hitting the edge of my cover draw me back.

I blind fire around the corner and try to pin them down, but to no avial. One goon gets cocky and trys to rush me. He rounds the corner to meet the butt of my stock into his face, I spin around getting back the hold of my trigger and pointing the barrel into his knee cap, firing a burst of bullets. He falls to the ground in pain. I get back into position and reload.

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