Swords to Claws

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I can feel the darkness suounding us. Howls echo off the small shops and business. The siren almost drowning it all out.

(Ven) (Y:N)!!!!!

I quickly turn around, I face a large abject hovering over me. I look up to meet its gaze.

(Y:N) ursa-

I get swatted acople of feet away. I bouce off the ground but im able to get back to my feet. Hikari (I know ive been spelling it wrong) drawn. I charge the beast slashing into its gut twice. It drops to the ground and dissipates.

I look around to see both team RWBY and S.O.U1. Fighting for thier lives. With each second that passes by another grimm enters through the hole....

(Y:N on Com) the hole!...

(Noir on Com) what?!

(Y:N on Com) S.O.U1...get ready for a pincer attack. We attack from each side of the entrance into the city. We can't let anymore grimm in. Team RWBY can you deal with the grimm already running around.

(Ruby on com) already on it S.O.U1!!!  Lets go girls!

I rush over and assist ven with a Beowulf, I slide to the ground and slash the back of its leg. It howls in pain. I turns to face me just to get the end of vens spear into the back of its head.

I run over to noir and make out way to the tunnel entrance, slaying grimm along the way.

(Y:N on com) how are you guys holding up!?

(Weiss) just fine if you wernt interrupting us!!!

(Ven) you can never win with her...can't you?

I Send ven to take the right side of the tunnel and noir to take the left. I get into my spot in the middle and draw both of my swords Hikari and whirlwind.I slay some small uglies and a couple of Beowulfs. The line seems to be holding, only some small grimm sneak past but are quickly snuffed out by team RWBY.

It feels never ending... With each grimm we kill two more emerge.

(Ven) you guys hear that!!

Down the tunnel I hear the rest of the train being pushed aside, scraping across the ground

(Y:N) what in the---- KING TAIJITU!!!

The giant snake like beast slams through the last train car and barrels twords us at full speed.

(Y:n) EVADE!!!

We all jump out of the way and back into to town square. We run our way back and fight through the horde to team RWBY. We make a perimeter and hold them off best we can.

(Noir) whats the plan Boss!?

Before I could answer I hear a small explosion in the distance. I look up to see a pink figure flying through the sky...on a hammer....nora...she slames the end of her hammer into the king Taijitu head, slamming it to the ground. The rest of team JNPR plow through the crowed and up to us giving us some breathing room.

(Y:N) welcome to the party!!!

(Nora) Oooo is there cake!!!

(Ven) Nora if we make it out of this ill bake you three of your own cakes.

(Ren) now you've done it...

Nora begins to turn the horde into grimm soup killing at least three with each swing of her hammer.

I didn't even notice till now that ironwood droped in some of his new robo-soldier's....not gonna lie, I want one...

With that more students drop in and assist driving the grimm back. Over head team CVFY drop in and kill every grimm at even looked at them wrong.

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