Field Trip part 2

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We run over to where Russell pointed us to.We see Cardin get patty smacked by an alpha ursa.On the ground without his weapon I'm sure hes a gonner...

The ursa slashes at cardin...


Juane is blocked the attack with his shield, saving Cardin

(Y:N) darn.....

Me and wiess ready are weapons. I try to figure out how to activate ember silica to no evail

(Pyrrha) Wait...

(Y:N) for what??....Him to die!?

Juane slashes at the beast pissing it off, it swings at him.juane barely rolls out of the way and jumping over another attack just to get slammed into the ground.

(Y:N) hey Weiss i bet you 5 lien i have to go save him

(Weiss) deal....

To my surprise he gets up and charges the ursa to get smacked......again....

(Y:N) oh my oum you do want him to die...

He stumbles up checking is aura he charges again.... As does the ursa. I notice that his shield is not up to block the attack and i know that would Finnish him I look over to see Pyrrha lift her hand, looking back at juane I see his shield glow black and raises to block the paw of the ursa. With a quick move juane slices the alphas head clean off...

(Wiess) you owe me 5 lien

I slam the money into her palm with a sigh

(Ruby) uuuh what

(Weiss) how did you?-

(Pyrrha)well ruby has her speed you have your glyphs (y:n) has...?

(Y:N) yeah....long story

(Pyrrha) my sembalance is polarity

(Ruby,Y:N) whoa you can control poles....

(Weiss) no you dunces it means she has control of magnitisim....

(Ruby) magnets are cool too....

My scroll buzzes...

(Y:N) of course...

(Ruby) what is it?

(Y:N)its my team S.O.S beacon ven is in trouble can you go get miss goodwitch to call in a bullhead?

(Ruby) rodger that!

Within a heart beat she speeds off leaving a trail of rose pedals in her path.

(Pyrrha)want me to do anything?

(Y:N) no go deal with juane and cardin. Weiss can you tell yang I'm borrowing her gauntlet a bit longer?

(Weiss) sure thing

I run and follow the rose pedals to find miss goodwitch.

============Ven pov==========

Me and noir stand up just to get shot at we duck behind the wall of the dust shop.

I peak behind the wall to see more goons with guns firing at us and walking up to the dust shop

(Noir) he must of left them to deal with us...

(Ven) I sent the S.O.S out, i swear if Xander is still sleeping im cutting off his tail

(Noir) lets hope (y:n) got it

I switch to my burst rifle and fire back at them making the get behind cover in the ally and a dumpster across the street.
One gets dumb and peaks his head out where I can stun him. He slams to the ground out like a light.More fire comes my way making me duck back into the dust shop

(Noir) how do we draw them out?

(Ven)well we are in a dust shop right? take this cover me i got a plan...

I toss him my rifle and crouch down making sure they dont have a line of sight on me I scavange what ever Roman did not steal and tare off part of my shirt and bond them all together.

I get back into my spot and trade the "special package" for my rifle back

(Noir) how do you wanna play this?

I think for a second.....

(Ven) you throw it in the middle of the street in between the dumpster and the ally, when i fire at it it should confuse both sides long enough for us to to split and take each head on

(Noir) works for me

He trows it and I aim as quick As I can firing at it blowing the crystals up. With all crystals going off at once. sending smoke into the air and ice shards into the ground with a fire dust shard going off stream bellows up creating a smoke screen enough for us to charge...

I take the dumpster side while noir takes the ally. He climbs up the escape to jump down onto the goons in the ally

I hop over the top of the dumpster slaming my foot into ones face. I switch to my staff and disarm one then slam the end of the staff into his gut. Another is on his knees coughing from the blast I grab is head and slam it into the dumpster.

I look over to see a white fang member get grown into the street and noir walk out with his sembalance engaged the black surrounding him each step he takes

(WF goon) please no

I squint my eyes like in an old cop show

(Ven) its opposite day....

I fire a burst of taze rounds into his chest,he jitters then hes on the ground

(Noir) .....ugh that sucked

(Ven) did

(Noir)Should we chase after torchwick?

(Ven) hes far gone by now

As i say that down the Block the car Roman was in pulls out and Roman opens the door


And drives off

(Ven) oh now we have too...


(Ven) what the-

(Y:N) ow.....

=========10 minutes earlier======

I come sprinting out of the Forrest to where the rest of the group was

(Y:N) miss.....hhhhaaa....miss good *cough cough* -which

(Goodwitch) miss rose already told me, your pick up point is that way about another five hundred yards in a clearing. The Forrest is too dense

She points in the direction looking stern that I'm leaving and skipping detention again for not bringing my weopons

(Y:N) oh you have got to be kidding me..

(Glynda) I recommend you take another student with you since you where so ignorant to take your main weopons

(Y:N) *panting*yang you mind?

(Yang) as long as i can punch somthing!!

(Y:N) alright then....*pant* ive always wanted to jump out of a moving bullhead...

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