All Abored!

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(Ozpin) I believe so.

(Qrow) well this better be more than a hunch oz...

The drunken old Qrow walks to the window of the tower siping again, on his flask.

(Ozpin) both mister (L:N) and Ruby rose have done excellent in the field. Both of them have made significant strides at being a team leader.

(Qrow) but they both dont know the powers they both poses oz!

He turns around quickly spilling out some of his drink onto the floor.

(Qrow) when are you going to tell them oz...

(Ozpin) they are just kids-

(Qrow) that didn't stop you from telling summer!

The room falls silent. Qrow rubs his forehead. either him being drunk or apologetic.

(Qrow) you know what happened...once salem finds out-

(Ozpin) in due time Qrow. I what have you gatherd from the fall maiden?

Qrow takes a big swig from his flak and screw the lid back on

(Qrow) your not going to like it....


I feel my self get kicked in the leg. I open my eyes to see noir standing over me.

(Noir) we got a problem..

I stagger to my feet and follow noir to the ledge where ven is looking through his binoculars.

(Y:n) whats the problem?

(Ven) ruby saw some white fang guys so she followed them...she hasnt came back yet. The rest of her team just went looking with Oobleck..

(Y:N) alright break radio silence as soon as we get down there. We go and assist team RWBY

(Noir,ven) Roger.

We rappel down and make our way to where ven last saw them. We hit the street and start running. On our way there i feeling rumbling under my feet.

(Y:N) guys wait up!

They stop in their tracks and look back. I get on my hands and knees and put my ear to the ground.

(Y:N) a train?

I hear which way its going so i tell ven and noir to follow me. After a bit of running I find a hole in the ground. I look into it and see the top of a train.

I signal my team to follow me and i jump down onto the top of the train. I land rolling to my feet and so does noir and ven on the other hand belly flops onto it.

I look back to see the same kind of mechs that back handed me a block away fighting....oobleck and zwei?

(Ven) is that?-

(Y:N) dont ask, just go help ill find team RWBY

(Noir) got it!

They rush off to go and help Oobleck,I see a hatch ontop of the train open reveling a couple of White fang member's with bats and sticks.

(Y:n) really they have giant robots and they give you guys suckers are under budget...

I extend my stun button and wait for them to get close. The first dog fuanus tries to overhand swing at me. I jab him in the chest before he could hit me.

The electricety sends him to the ground faster than ven eats. The other dear fuanus throws a stick at me hitting me in the face.

(Y:N) why you little...

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