...legends are scatterd...

965 9 7

Running through allys and roads me and Xander make our way west. Dodgeing groups of white fang and Grimm alike. We make it to the outskirts of beacon right out side the front gate.

(Xander) how are we looking?

I peak my head around the corner to see a small squadren of atlas knights attacking some grimm in the main courtyard. Off by the dorms I see multiple teams of huntsman and huntresses holding off the grimm

(Y:N) could be worse

I draw my swords and charge the grimm in front of us. I jump over a couple sentinels and slash a Beowulf. I roll to my knees and slash another's leg out from under it, I finish it by piercing my hikari into its temple.

Xander guns down the last one and meets up with me. I look over to the robots who are just going back to formation and begin to scout again.

(Y:N) what no thank you?

They turn around and start marching off. All of the sudden they stop in there tracks and point their heads down.

(Xander) did they run out of batteries?

Their heads jolt up and start scanning around them. One the the back of the square formation looks at both of us. I see that its face plating has changed to a dark red color.

(Y:N) that's not good...

It sounds an alarm drawing the others to face us and point thier blasters at us firing radically. Me and Xander roll in different directions spliting their forces.I start to run a round and infuse whirlwind with fire. Me and xander pass each other in a circle around the robots confusing them. We used this move acouple of times with grimm we never thought we would use it on atlas robots.

I slash out whirlwind, throwing a flaming arc flying twords the robots. The first couple get sliced in half knocking the back couple over. Xander unloads killing the rest.

(Xander) great now Ironwood is after us too!

(Y:N) not exactly...

I walk over to one of the robots and cut off its head. I rip of the face plate of it and examine the inside. Other than wires and mainframes or what ever. I see a small screen with a red background a small rook piece on the front

(Y:N) hacked. That must have been why that girl was in the atlas tower at the dance...

(Xander) this feels like a movie...

(Y:N) yeah.....hey do you think thoes big atlas Palidins are affected?

With an immediate slap on the back of my head I look to see where xander is pointing.

(Y:N) me and my big mouth...

Two paladins start charging the students in the main courtyard with about 3 squadrens of robo idiots following.

(Xander) now we have to help them!

(Y:N) yeah yeah... I can get there faster ill hold them off until you show up, once you do find someplace high and take some pressuer off of the students.

(Xander) got it!

I start to run faster and faster. I activate rubys sembalence and start to spin into a ball of rosses. I guid myself twords the battle and drift upwards. Above a Palidin I deactivate rubys sembalence and drop. I draw both swords and flip them around blades pointing downwards. I slam into the top of the Palidin my blades piercing through the thick metal. The giant robot begins to spin around and waving its arms to try and knock me off.

(Weiss) Y:N!? What are you doing!

With the robot spinning and growing its arms over head of me i do my best to respond.

(Y:N) oh.....ugh...you know...just...H-hanging it... whoa!

I finally lose balance and fling off and hit the ground.

(Y:N)....my liver....ugh

(Weiss) shut up and help

I stand up. I look up to see both of the palidins staring back. Xander runs over and helps me up.

(Y:N) I told you to find somewhere high!

(Xander) not right now, I saw pyrrha and Juane running into the tower with that cinder girl following.

(Y:N) dann!, can you guys handle it here.

(Sunn) of course I stuff like this on a daily bases.

(Y:n) taking that as a yes.

Me and xander start running twords the school. Looking to my side I look to the cafeteria...i stop in my tracks.

(Xander) dude! Come on!

(Y:N) no...you go, I got somthing to settle.

I pull out hikari and look at it one last time. I take off my chest holster and give both to Xander. I see him look twords the cafeteria and see what i see.

(Xander) I'm coming-

(Y:N) NO!....Xander you need to go and find ozpin and pyrrha. Once you make sure their safe you find ruby and yang and keep them safe.

(Xander) But!-

(Y:N) that is an order! ...Now get the hell out of here and be a god damn man!

He gives me a nod and attaches hikari to his chest. I give him a nod and start walking twords....him

============Blake POV===========

(Blake) please...no

Yang bursts with anger...she shoots herself throw the air smashing through the glass. With once slice...she falls to the ground I use my sembalence and trick Adam as if I junped infront of her. I run over and pick her up. I start to loop around and begin to run.

(Adam) not this time Blake...

I turn around to face adam he raises his sword. I brace for inevitible...


I open my eyes to see that Adam has been launched across the room and is laying on his side. I look over to see Y:N holding a flare gun?

(Y:N) get yang out of here...

(Blake) I can't just leave you here!

(Y:N) just go blake...for me...for her

I look down at yang. Then back to Y:N. He gives me a nod. I pick up yang and start to run.


I keep my head down and run out of the cafeteria. I look back for a second then back to where im going.


(Y:N) god you never shut up do ya...

I put my hand on whirlwind still in its sheath and begin to walk in a circle

(Adam) you ruin everything...this is the end Y:N.

(Y:N) you know Adam. My sembalence is based off of feelings twords someone. Yang, as my love, Weiss as my teacher, Ruby as my little sibling, Blake as my friend. And you...as my enemy.

(Adam) wow that was so heart warming...was that suppose to mean something

(Y:N) nope, but this does...

I slash out whirlwind throwing an arc of red twords adam, he dodges drawing his sword. He charges me swinging. We slam our swords together, locking them, i look into that stupid mask of his.

(Y:N) you say humans treat you like monsters because of what you are on the outside...but really your just a monster on the inside Adam.

He kicks me off and sends me back a couple of feet.I raise the palm of my left hand twords him, bringing whirlwind up to my face.

He spins his sword and re locks it into his sheath and gets into his stance

I'm sorry yang...i love you.

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